I am in love with a girl on the internet

Can someone summerize the last 30 pages for me in more than like two sentences, less than a page?
Basically, he met a "girl" on the internet from "Sweden." "She" said that "she" was "going to be in Seattle visiting family." He apparently drove there to meet her, but that is as of yet unconfirmed unless someone want's to trace those IP's that were posted by Beren, I think?

He then posted saying he was with "her" and had taken pics, but that turned out to be bullshit and he got stood up in Seattle. He was posting from a cybercafe and he recently returned but won't give any updates.

He should probably be on suicide watch, I hope his "friends" in this thread are keeping an eye on him.

(BTW everything in quotes is complete bullshit, and in all likelyhood none of this ever happened)
Buck up bro, it's just the internet.

*EDIT* - You are definately going to receive votes for "thread of the year", btw.
BurninSnipa said:

this thread is quality.... so Precise, since you didn't get the :cat: , you probably feel like shit. Just whack it to some porn, or join an AOL chatroom and get some internet sex, drink a fifth of Jack, smoke a blunt or two and then pass out. Hey, who knows? Maybe you'll never wake up.

Oh yea, an interesting side-note to the internet love thing... a buddy of mine met a girl on the plyrics.com forums from Rhode Island--him living in Jacksonville, FL. she flew down in late october to "see a concert" here in Orlando, and he drove down to pick her up.... he stayed at my place with her, and ugh..... :scared:

looked a lot like a man...thing...ish...woman? anyway, the whole experience was traumatizing for me, but apparently she's moving down this coming weekend to live with him in Jacksonville.... what the hell is wrong with people these days?

Yo dawgs, give the man props for posting the truth!

Precise, in true TW fashion give the whole story and accept the insuing flammage.

Couple of months it'll be safe to post again.
Ok before I left I called her, we talked and arrnaged to meet at Galaxy Gaming Lan Center, and call her when I got there. So I drove there, I was at the lan center and I called her, she didn't awnser, I looked around for her and I didn't see her. So I went to the adress she gave me. It was a fake adress, then I knew I had been spoofed, I went to my hotel and thought of how much of an asshole I was and cried a little, then I just sat around my hotel for a day or two and then went to the lan center and posted on TW. I came home about a week ago was just to embarassed to share this with everyone. I thought this was something real, but it ended up just some stupid bitches idea of a joke, it hurts but I'm over it. I found a girl at my school and we seem to be pretty interested in each other. Well sorry for lying guys.
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