I am going to barnes and nobles this afternoon.

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I am looking for something along the lines of the hitchhikers guide series. Not sure if that is exactly what I am going to get, but I need it to be fairly common(so I can get it at b and n, not on the net).

I'm looking for something funny, but very witty, recommendations are welcomed, and a bit of discription is appreciated.

It is funny. Well, only in as much as Kim Cattrall thinks we care what it takes to make her cum.
just get Catch 22 cuz it's the best book EVAR. if you dont rofl at least once within the first 100 pages you're a dumbass. k thx.
It's not as good as Hitchhikers, but its along the same lines. It's called "After the Blue" by Russell Like. I was first attracted to it because it takes place in my Jersey home town, Jamesburg.
Hitchhikers is tough to accurately describe since it's pretty wild and doesn't make a whole lot of sense until you read it.

Rest assured, it's hilarious.

Arthur Dent and his alien-in-disguise buddy Ford Prefect have to vacate earth in a hurry because a race called the Vogons are destroying it to make room for an interstellar highway. They use a hitchhiking device of Ford's to hitch a ride on the Vogon ship and then wind up on a stolen ship ship with the swingin' President of the Universe, a two headed guy named Zaphod, the OTHER last surviving member of the human race and Marvin The Paranoid Android (I could swear I'm forgetting someone).

Hilarity ensues.

Good Omens, on the other hand, is Monty Python's 'The Omen'. It's the apocalypse and everything is going horribly wrong. Unlike most books, it's comedy made me :lol: IRL.
Rapscallion Jones said:
Bobred: If you liked Hitchhikers, you'll probably like anything by Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman (less so since a lot of his stuff is like Clive Barker with a sense of humor).

One of my favorite books is by both of them: Good Omens


I second this. Terry Pratchett is probably more over-the-top. consistently funny, but Neil Gaiman has his moments and tends to have slightly more sophisticated humor ("It's a very heavy feather." :lol: ). Either way, Good Omens is probably funnier than anything either of them did alone, so I wholeheartedly recommend it.
SarcaStick said:
how ironic. a product of your own words.

gj fucktard.
take 3 seconds and read my name. take another 3 and read who created this thread you assgoblin

anyways,..,,anything by Terry Pratchett. He's hilarious
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