i am caught up

moto I also know your irl name through pms and irc shit

will you paypal me money to keep it secret?

no, but i will offer you one of two things when (not if) retard lan happens : drunk handjob (only if yer cute), or free drugs (dine in, no carry out).
1. I'm not a smurf. I fully submit to a smurf check.

2. I found TW through a friend who used to post here but doesn't anymore. He kept sending me funny videos/articles. Eventually i found out this was the source and after maybe a year of lurking, I actually registered. Only started posting this past year, and only started posting about non-sports-related things maybe 6 months ago.

Cue: The More You Know

3. -moto
I am prepared to post a thread detailing all of moto's personal information if my demands are not met

my demands are $16.00 united states dollars in accordance with similar contracts made with other posters in this thread

you have 24 hours

actually, if you read/re-read/re-read(however many times necessary to penetrate skull) thread, you will realize that i have agreed to a couple things... one, to donate to tw, indirectly, through a mebber2, in the form of a contributer tag payment, $5 payment for services rendered (dont quite understand the services, but they are funny to me nonetheless, and since i come to tw for the lulz, its worth a few bux), and ONE USA DOLLAR for my hidden irl (fake) idenity.\\

fuck speling/ cant typing while drunk fixes. deal with it.
I am prepared to post a thread detailing all of moto's personal information if my demands are not met

my demands are $16.00 united states dollars in accordance with similar contracts made with other posters in this thread

you have 24 hours


1. I'm not a smurf. I fully submit to a smurf check.

2. I found TW through a friend who used to post here but doesn't anymore. He kept sending me funny videos/articles. Eventually i found out this was the source and after maybe a year of lurking, I actually registered. Only started posting this past year, and only started posting about non-sports-related things maybe 6 months ago.

Cue: The More You Know

3. -moto

pm sent.
this is not Die Hard or True Lies

this shit is real

and if my demands are not met there will be dire consequences
this is not Die Hard or True Lies

this shit is real

and if my demands are not met there will be dire consequences

i dont think you understand. no one "demands" jack fucking shit from moto. he(i) greatly enjoy ('n 'm pretty damn good at) kickin the ever livin shit outta peep who piss him off, get in his way (literally or figuratively). holy shit, either google spell check is fucked, or i actually spelt that right the first time.

edit: while drunk
As part of my demands I am now requiring a contributor tag. This can either be subtracted from the $16.00 United States Dollars or added in addition.

23 hours.

Tick tock tick tock

Feeling lucky?
$6.00 United States Dollars and a Tribalwar Contributor Tag

If these demands are not met you [strike]may never see your daughter again[/strike] whatever I said would happen in previous posts