I am absolutely in favor of a response for the use of chemical weapons.

Full interview:

Part 1:

Part 2:

The questions of the interviewer were so fucking loaded with bias and innuendo... disguting.
Assad handled himself very well.
'CIA fabricated evidence to lure US into war with Syria' ? RT Op-Edge

Ray McGovern: Well, the problem of course is getting into what they call the mainstream media. The media is drumbeating for the war just as before Iraq. And they don’t want to hear that the evidence is very very flimsy. They don’t want to hear that people within the CIA – senior people, with great access to this information – assure us, the veterans, that there’s no conclusive evidence that Assad ordered those chemical incidents on August 21. They don’t want to hear that. They want to process beyond that and just deal with what we must do. Now, you don’t assume those things – you need proof of them.
:lol: rt.com = Russia Today "Question More" = yeah because the Russian government is all about its citizens asking questions about their own actions.
:lol: rt.com = Russia Today "Question More" = yeah because the Russian government is all about its citizens asking questions about their own actions.

I don't go to RT for unbiased reporting on the Russian government, just like I don't go to American msm sources for news on the US government.
:lol: rt.com = Russia Today "Question More" = yeah because the Russian government is all about its citizens asking questions about their own actions.
MSNBC, FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS... only around because they received bailout money; ZombieMedia.

they were dying for a reason.
did icfire really just say that you can't trust rt because its a government run org while at the same time supporting the idea that the united states should attack syria based on hearsay from the american government
did icfire really just say that you can't trust rt because its a government run org while at the same time supporting the idea that the united states should attack syria based on hearsay from the american government

Oddly I didn't say they were government ran.
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if you werent implying that rt wasn't government run then your post makes no sense

conciseness is essential