How to steal 23 MacBook Pros, 14 iPhones, and 9 iPods In 31 Seconds

"...and savvy enough to wear masks, knowing there would be surveillance cameras all over the place"
Yeah, 23 MacBook Pros, 14 iPhones and 9 iPods... but not one battery charger between them...

In other news, Apple to discontinue the Mag-Lock Charge Port Coupler technology.
What's stupid, is it won't change their lives, except to go to jail. It's not like selling a few Macbooks on CL is going to allow them to buy a house and car.
3k macbooks could get 1.5k easy. even if they got 1/2 for the shit they made a good amount of cash for 30 sec.
I played a game of "Guess the Race" after reading the title.

I clicked and got it right :)

I'm pretty sure most of this shit can be tracked when powered on any way though can't it?
I like how they were identified by what they were wearing, but never mentioned that they were all black.