How much money has TW made from amazon?

Items Shipped | Shipped Items Revenue | Referral Fee Earnings 
           21                $340.29               $16.95
almost $17 eh? that'll keep you running for another hour. well, its $17 more than you'd have if you didn't have that amazon thing.

if i had a job i'd contribute.
i want to connect my ps2 and computer to my cable modem. I know squat about networking. What do I want to buy. I don't want to spend more than $50.
you need a hub just look for a cheap one, they aren't much unless you get wireless. otherwise you could get a router which is actually 'intelligent' but that is not req'd
Imposter said:
I heard what you said about him mr.

PS I'm now suing you for libel.

To successfully sue me for libel, you must prove in the a court of law that you are NOT a dipshit. can you do this?