How many of you take naps during lunch breaks?


Veteran XX
I take about a 30-40 minute nap during my lunch break and that really helps me to function during the afternoon. If I don't get a nap then I feel really sluggish and tired.

Was reading an article that said, offices in bangkok are encouraging their employees to take lunch time naps and even have "napping" rooms with comfy chairs, flowers and so on.

Oh and I get about 4 hours sleep at night so that lunch time nap really helps.
yeah i sleep on my lucnh. We have a "quiet room" with pillows and huge comfy couches. I only take a 30 min lunch tho
Yeah I sometimes will head to my car put up the sunshade so it blocks some of the direct light and nap for about 15-20 minutes during lunch.
No, Remo. At my last FT job, I took no breaks and only took 10-15 minutes (tops) for lunch.

That is because I am a true man of manly caliber.
if i work a split shift, then ill take a 30 minute nap. i dont get a lot of sleep at night (around 5 hours) and so it helps sometimes. they refresh me most of the time as long as i get right up and do stuff. if i sit around then im just groggy.
Fuck I just put something in front of me and pretend I'm reading it while I snooze half the day sometimes :shrug:

Granted if I had something to actually do this wouldn't be nearly as frequent.
i have done that, but lately i've just been eating at my desk while working. then i only have to be here 8 hours total.
I usually skip lunch but if I do eat I also eat at my desk for the same reason. First engineering job I've had where you're only allowed 40 hrs unless overtime is permitted :)
yes, i usually just take a nap in my office with the door closed after lunch, i tell my assistant im in a teleconference and fall asleep on the couch
I nap while driving to/from job sites to/from the office. Really makes the commute bearable.

Example, today I took a nap while driving from San Diego to Orange County. It was neat.
I nap while driving to/from job sites to/from the office. Really makes the commute bearable.

Example, today I took a nap while driving from San Diego to Orange County. It was neat.

its only comfortable in some limos, i usually take a nap on my way home from clubs at night, especially if ive been doing drugs all night, i just tell my driver to drive softly