how many episodes of Lost should I watch before giving up on it?

Diablo Escobar

Veteran XX
While rehabbing an injury suffered in the line of very very very physical and manly flag football duty, i've been going on long walks on my treadmill while watching TV and since I never watched Lost I figured what the hell let's watch that, everyone seems to like it.

Now I'm 4 or 5 episodes in and i'm like wtf this show sucks. I have no idea how this show created such a following, but maybe I just haven't given it enough time. For those of you who were into this show, does it start really slowly and then get better or something? Because right now i'm about ready to move onto something else as i don't care what happens to the syrian terrorist or the other 9 stock characters that are on the show
i reached out during my moment of need and i get the distinct impression you didn't take my post seriously

i hope you get lost on a deserted island filled with polar bears and wild boar and you don't have an emotionally detached doctor to bail you out
I watched the first few seasons then completely lost interest in the show, but think if you don't like it 5 shows in you should find something else to watch
If you've already watched up though ep. 4 "Walkabout," and you think the show sucks, then it's about time you switch back to NCIS.
The first two seasons were actually really good, imo. I watched 3 and 4 out of loyalty, then the writers strike happened. About the point they find "the hatch" was the height of that storyline.

I never got back into it after that :[

Been meaning to finish it all up, just never found the time, and didn't want to go back and watch the first seasons over again so I could remember things.
watched about 3 seasons before giving up. no one has told me that I have to go back and finish the series.
I never really got into this show, I don't understand why it was popular. You should watch that Heros show instead, it's got the cheerleader chick in it.
your hope is possible

i've been monitoring the uninhabbited island market for a year now.

i'm not joking either. you can get a pretty good deal if you shop around.
they have this thing called the internet
people put shit they're selling up on it so you can check it out without having to fly all over the world
i'd be afraid of getting sold a fake uninhabited island

or maybe someone will try to sell you puerto rico

you'll get there and be like FUUUUUUUUUUCK THIS IS INHABITED
so we're back to boat shopping then, yes?

also to the poster who asked what i don't like about it, it's just really silly and unbelievable and not in the way where if i accept the fiction of the universe everything makes sense kind of way--it just keeps being more ridiculous and seems to be going nowhere. oh, hey, yeah, there's a random guy in a suit over there, that makes complete sense!