How come there's no girls on this forum

"Super defensive about my sex life?" :ftard:


I've said it a hundred times, like most people, my sex life is hit-or-miss. Either it's there, or it isn't. Sometimes I'm just too fucking busy, sometimes I just can't get any play, and sometimes I just don't give a fuck enough to deal with chick's bullshit. So during those times, it doesn't exist. Other times, when it does exist, I have a girlfriend, or one of the girls I know come out to see me, or I wind up hooking up with one of the many bar bimbos in Vegas. It's hit or miss. Whatever. Nothin special. The truth is - you little dick-bumping retards just can't handle someone being honest on TW, so you try to twist and spin whatever someone says into being the polar opposite.

"Resorting to calling people stalkers"

Okay genius, let's reason this out -

What qualifies as "stalking" exactly? Would it be... perhaps someone making a hundred posts about you, when you haven't ever even spoken to the person before? Would it be... someone making post after post about you, while you have never even acknowledged the fucking existence of that person before? Or would it be maybe.... someone following you to IRC to say the same thing over and over, to the point where you put them on ignore? Or maybe, just maybe, would it be someone who - even though they are completely ignored - they beg people in IRC to copy/paste their messages so they'll be seen? Maybe? How about... would it be someone who follows you through the forum just to post after you did, just so they can say one dumb thing or another?


And that's pretty much what you'd call Killjoy. But of course he'll deny it, why wouldn't he? Stalking?? Moi?? Never.

And as for "trolling"... you people sure like to fancy yourselves as hip, smart, insightful, clever, tuned-in, switched-on, and masters of the Internet, but the truth is, the overwhelming majority of you are clueless, naive, and easily manipulated dick-bumping faggots who wouldn't know they were being trolled if the OP wore a fucking fisherman's hat while they were doing so. :lol:

Have fun with your little angsty dick-bumping sausage festival, basement dwellers. :lol:
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Of course nobody reads them.

Just like nobody ever listened to WSBN... just like I'm "on IRC all day" just cuz mIRC is connected to it... just like Killjoy - who is breaking the world record for trying desperately to get my attention - isn't trying to get my attention... ya know... typical TW stuff. :lol:

I am also really old, and have yellow hair and no job.
Sometimes I'm just too fucking busy, sometimes I just can't get any play, and sometimes I just don't give a fuck enough to deal with chick's bullshit. So during those times, it doesn't exist.

This is virgin talk, lucky for you you had madcat
i've never hooked up with a bar bimbo in vegas

my game is whack

next time i go to vegas you need to show me how its done
That's cuz you probably go to the Strip.

Contrary to popular belief, Vegas is not single-friendly to the out of town dude. In this day of serial killers and date rape drugs, chicks come here with boyfriends or else with a gaggle of girlfriends who won't let each other out of their site.

Need to go local, dude. Local chicks in local bars are more relaxed and secure.
i kinda like the fact that women are shunned here in general. i am around stupid bitches all the time.. its nice to get away from them sometimes
i kinda like the fact that women are shunned here in general. i am around stupid bitches all the time.. its nice to get away from them sometimes

FINALLY a fucking real answer.

TWENTY FUCKING PAGES and only one guy answered the thread honestly.
Killjoy, this obsession of yours... when did it develop?

Because you are a nightly drunk and are often completely incoherent, you might not realize that you fall into the category of being "obsessed".

You started off on the forum doing your usual incoherent drunk routine, blathering on about imaginary things about me that either you completely made up, or else in your typical state of complete inebriation, you somehow thought were true and accurate.

Then it graduated to you even following me through IRC and, even though you're on ignore for saying the same stupid shit over and over in a sloppy drunken delirium, you still try to get my attention by actually asking people to copy/paste what you're saying. Finally, when you either pass out at your desk or else stumble off to go pass out in bed, you disappear. But while you're on IRC, you persistently beg and plead for my attention.

Then, back to the forums, you follow me through here, acting as if you know anything about me at all, insinuating that you - a person I have never spoken to, never met, and have no ties to whatsoever - somehow you try to pass yourself off as an authority on what I think, what I do, or where I go, and you've put me in your "top five people I want to see fail" list you made today.

So, one must wonder... where did this obsession of yours develop? I had no idea who you were until you started stalking me... are you sandy and disgruntled because you're an anonymous nobody? Are you disgruntled because you're someone who nobody recognizes from their posting style, never contributed to any community affairs, never were on a big team, never donated time or effort to community organizations, and basically spent the past 8 years drunkenly blathering on the Internet? I think I must be right because the only thing you're in any way remembered for is from trying to bribe people on Tribalwar into liking you by bragging non-stop that you're some inheritance guy with millions of dollars, yet you have never backed up your bragging by posting pics of yourself, your house, your vehicles, your vacations, or pretty much anything that would back up your claims of being this freewheeling guy who doesn't have to work and just spends money all day. Then, when that didn't get you the recognition you were looking for, do you remember when you tried to actually pay people for recognition? You told people that if they responded to your thread you would PayPal them cash. :lol:

But it didn't work out too well though, did it? People still don't care who you are, and you're still anonymous. Right after that happened, that's when you started stalking me, and you haven't let up since. But of course you swear that it's not just me, that you "do it to everyone", except that's a complete lie. While your personality might be generally insulting to people, you don't put this much attention into anyone, not even yourself.

So what gives?

Are you just jealous because everyone knows who I am? Are you jealous because I can start a forum inferno with just one sentence? Are you jealous because threads are made about me all the time, but there has never been one made about you? Are you jealous because I can have fun with people and have fun with my life, and don't give a fuck what anonymous basement dwellers think? What exactly is your deal, dude?

Look, I'm not trying to rag on you really... but this obsession of yours has gotten to the point of being borderline unnerving. Why don't you stop a second, put the drink down, sober up a little bit, and just think about why on earth you are so obsessed with ME of all people - a guy who doesn't even acknowledge your existence.

Think about it, Killjoy... I don't even acknowledge you're alive, but yet you've made hundreds of posts about me, and even though you're ignored on IRC, you want my attention so badly you ask other people to copy/paste your messages.

C'mon man....

i remember when i used to write long essays like this

then i realized that i don't much give a crap about board stuff anymore

unlike taxi, apparently
yeah? i didn't read taxi's post, actually, so i would not know

i wonder if the first letters of each word form a terrorist code

that's the only logical reason for posting that many words these days