Horrible Bosses... as in Video Game bosses.


Veteran XV
I used to hate Mike Tyson from the old Nintendo Punch Out. In fact, I never beat him.

Now it's Isaac Frost from Fight Night Champion Mode. I've pulled out my last hair. Every time he knocks you down, the announcer goes 'Woww! I am hearing that in my nightmares now.

Not exactly a boss, but my brother, who's excellent at video games, always claimed that his hardest match-up was the highest difficulty opponent in the original Nintendo tennis. Don't think he ever won that.

I struggled with Hades in God of War 3 for a while.

Woww! Woww! Woww!

This topic has surely been well explored in the past, but who did you hate the most?

never beat dracula in the original castlevania.

I also had a hell of a time beating frankenstein and that horribly annoying hunchback that came with him. I blame that boss for never making it through dracula as I was always too low on lives by then.
A quite a few of the bosses from Deus Ex Human Revolution were pretty horrible in the sense that they really disrupted the flow of the game and the whole spirit of the franchise. That and the fact that they were a bitch to beat.
Vega from sf2 on snes pissed me off on hardest difficulty. Kintaro and Goro (mortal kombat) were annoying too because you had to forget super moves and play jump in and out.
Final vagina monster in Borderlands was horrible. Playing with 4 people we killed it in one shot from one person. What a letdown.
Mad Dog McCree (PC)
Goro in MK (arcade)
Shao Khan in UMK3 (arcade)
Vega in SF2 (arcade)
The last boss in Ikaruga
Japan vs New Zealand, 40 minutes, down 45-0. Almost freaking impossible.

Oh, Jonah lomu rugby on the ps1.