
fuk ya
Just started getting this in SoCal, nice change of pace from west coast IPA's. Of course fucking Jew stores are only selling single bottles.
Hopslam pretty decent, but way overrated, particularly taking price into account ($24/sixpack at retail -- no thx).

If you're in SoCal, there are LOTS better options for hop bombs -- AleSmith, Green Flash, Russian River, Pizza Port, etc etc etc. It's like beer heaven out there.
Hopslam pretty decent, but way overrated, particularly taking price into account ($24/sixpack at retail -- no thx).

If you're in SoCal, there are LOTS better options for hop bombs -- AleSmith, Green Flash, Russian River, Pizza Port, etc etc etc. It's like beer heaven out there.

It is like every triple IPA, over priced and overrated because of hype.

I don't bother waiting in line for Pliny the Younger because I already had it, no point wasting time when there plenty of beers close to it or better readily available.

Knee Deep Simtra can be found in 22's pretty often and I think that beats Younger.

I hadn't had Hopslam before this weekend because it is a new comer to SoCal.
Never got the huge hype over hopslam either. It's decent.
I'm spoiled though, I live about 40 mins from bells and 10 from founders.
San Diego. I love Russian River though one of my favorite breweries.

We get a ton of Younger kegs but every bar gets swamped with annoying hipsters now. Just not worth the hassle.

yea I never go there

the menu sucks (they have a very small kitchen) and it's always crowded with neckbeards

I do like blind pig but not a fan of pliny(s)
annoying beer snob hipsters and quadruple session IPA bullshit will be the pins that pop the craft beer bubble

fuk that noise