Hopefully this resume, my drive and charisma get me the job of my dreams..

Channel 03 said:
I don't think that your job experience qualifies (although you may be qualified enough mentally) you for the kind of job you're applying for. When I look at this I see that you have worked generic help desk jobs that probably payed 10-14 an hour, the information about your website is false/deceiving...hmm maybe you would make a good salesman.

Youngest regional manager for verizon due to my sales. I surpassed everyone.

They know i kick ass at sales.. she literally knows me. So this is more of a technical resume.
AkumA said:
Z2Solutions – Holmdel, NJ (09/99-Present)
How the fuck did you do that in 99 when you started it like three weeks ago?

Senior Consultant
•Webmaster, design and maintenance (www.z2solutions.com)
•Responsible to set up VPN and wireless networks for clients.
•Researched providers to find what best fits the clients needs
•Part of the marketing and sales team which resulted in a $13,000 profit in the first year.
•Responsible for teaching software and hardware workshops
No offense, man, but I wouldn't trust you to consult me about what kind of keyboard to get. :p

Seriously, though. You're playing yourself up as knowledgable about something that you aren't. You're in no way shape or form a "consultant" with the kind of advice that you give and your level of knowledge, so unless you want to potentially be shoed into a consulting role and cost some poor sap millions of dollars if the planets are in the proper alignment, I wouldn't sell yourself as such.

Skyweb Internet – Matawan , NJ (09/99-02/00)
TCP/IP Help Deskp
They have protocol help desks? :eek:
Was there like an NNTP and SMNP help desk?

•Maintained customer accounts utilizing UNIX and Platypus
What Unix?
Also, can you tell me what df does off the top of your head since you've used Unix?
Do you even know how to install software on a Unix system? :p

Had the privilege to have dinner with Bill Gates after winning a [strike]nationwide computer contest consisting of 600,000 people[/strike] video game tournament.
You worded that deceptively IMO. It sounds like you made some kind of tremendous achievement that would interest the CEO of the largest software company on Earth.

You played video games.

Extensive Computer skills and sales experience. Broad knowledge of Windows based software (98/2k/XP/Word/Excel).
Didn't you once say that disabling the pagefile improves performance? :p

Extensive knowledge with Palm, Pocket PC and Blackberry products.
Didn't you ask what a Blackberry was last week? :p

Knowledgeable with various programming languages (HTML, JavaScript, Flash etc).
Caveat: These are not programming languages. These are scripting languages. There's quite a difference.

Extensive knowledge of computer hardware.
Again, I'd completely disagree.

I think you're trying to sell yourself as something that you aren't. However, everybody else does it, which is why many qualified people have no jobs at the moment, so what's one more? :shrug:

Good luck and all that.
AkumA said:
•Responsible for
•Initiated and completed

tense shift in there is sloppy. stay consistant.

"was responsible for"

lose the periods on some of the lines, or put them on all of the lines.
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Kurayami said:
How the fuck did you do that in 99 when you started it like three weeks ago?

No offense, man, but I wouldn't trust you to consult me about what kind of keyboard to get. :p

Seriously, though. You're playing yourself up as knowledgable about something that you aren't. You're in no way shape or form a "consultant" with the kind of advice that you give and your level of knowledge, so unless you want to potentially be shoed into a consulting role and cost some poor sap millions of dollars if the planets are in the proper alignment, I wouldn't sell yourself as such.

They have protocol help desks? :eek:
Was there like an NNTP and SMNP help desk?

What Unix?
Also, can you tell me what df does off the top of your head since you've used Unix?
Do you even know how to install software on a Unix system? :p

You worded that deceptively IMO. It sounds like you made some kind of tremendous achievement that would interest the CEO of the largest software company on Earth.

You played video games.

Didn't you once say that disabling the pagefile improves performance? :p

Didn't you ask what a Blackberry was last week? :p

Caveat: These are not programming languages. These are scripting languages. There's quite a difference.

Again, I'd completely disagree.

I think you're trying to sell yourself as something that you aren't. However, everybody else does it, which is why many qualified people have no jobs at the moment, so what's one more? :shrug:

Good luck and all that.

well with z2 rather then say i started the company i claimed i worked i worked for them.

The computer background wont be important. Its only to make them feel i know more then them. Which i do.

This is a sales job. Im tyring to sell them on my cpu background.

They know im qualified for sales.
btw, I'd put unix down too and i barely know it. imo its all about getting in the door. I can learn anything and work well with people, once Im in I'm set. so what if I fib a little ont he resume ;) who doesnt?

but I do know what df is

what was this contest?

Had the privilege to have dinner with Bill Gates after winning a nationwide computer contest consisting of 600,000 people.
Bad_CRC said:
what was this contest?

Had the privilege to have dinner with Bill Gates after winning a nationwide computer contest consisting of 600,000 people.

xbox tourney :D

Kur also.. take into consideration that these are older sales men with no computer knowledge mostly. They have been in the company for year and started at the bottom.

The person hireing me is a woman.

I have extensive knowledge compared to them.. not you....

Its all about how you word things.
AkumA said:
well with z2 rather then say i started the company i claimed i worked i worked for them.
......you're actually listing your time spent playing with a video game team as work experience?

I don't know whether to be impressed or annoyed. I'll decide later.

The computer background wont be important. Its only to make them feel i know more then them. Which i do.

This is a sales job. Im tyring to sell them on my cpu background.

They know im qualified for sales.
Yet, they may read that and decide to put you somewhere else because you're obviously so qualified. Then you'll get fired.

Why would computer knowledge be pertinent to a sales possition? Sell yourself on your sales strengths if you want a sales job. If you truly did become the "youngest manager ever" in Verizon because of your sales, I'd play up that angle more than "I'm a leet computer guru even though I don't know the difference between an 8088 and a 21164 or a Southbridge and an L3, but I'm TEH EXPART!!!"
Bad_CRC said:
NEVER assume "they know"

you have 0 sales experience listed on your resume. put some on there if it's a sales job.

They contacted me BAD... they know.
They know i kick ass at sales. The interview will sell me on my verbal and social skills. They need to know what makes me any different then the average salesmen.

And that is my computer background..

thats my angle.

Entry: knowledge
Function: noun
Definition: understanding
Synonyms: ability, accomplishments, acquaintance, apprehension, attainments, awareness, cognition, comprehension, consciousness, dirt, discernment, doctrine, dogma, dope, education, enlightenment, erudition, expertise, facts, familiarity, goods, grasp, inside story, insight, instruction, intelligence, judgment, know-how, learning, light, lore, observation, philosophy, picture, poop, principles, proficiency, recognition, scholarship, schooling, science, scoop, substance, theory, tuition, wisdom
AgentOrange said:
Thats "Rutgers", I think..

shit no.. i didnt.. weird.. i suppose invar had a different spelling.. i dont know how we did that
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Youngest regional manager in verizons history

Verizon is a proper noun. You also need an apostrophe.

PNC BANK ARTS CENTER – Holmdel, NJ (08/96-10/01)

I don't think it's a good idea to capitalize some companies in your experience listing, and not others.

Part of the marketing and sales team which resulted in a $13,000 profit in the first year.

Kill the period.
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dommy said:
Verizon is a proper noun. You also need an apostrophe.

I don't think it's a good idea to capitalize some companies in your experience listing, and not others.

Kill the period.

So... Let's get this straight. Let's see if we can get a grip on your experience:

You played a video game for a team called Z2, then started a "Company" named after and based upon it, that went nowhere. (Obviously, otherwise you wouldn't be looking for a job)
You've been a retail guy for Verizon, and used some knowledge that you've picked up at home, and on TW to plug a router in, and somehow now that makes you some kind of regional manager or something.
You have one hundred billion terrabytes of HD space, and banged Bill Gates daughter. You're a shoe-in for the job. Just pray to God that you'll have net access so you can come here and let us all do your job for you.