Hong Kong


Veteran XX
Ok wtf I just read one of the War of the World threads and I saw one guy just watched it here (I've lived in hk my whole life) and another guy lives in Stanley. How many tee dubbers have actually been here to Hong Kong (or actually live here). I know ktm spent a little bit here a few years ago although he moved up to guangzhou after a while i believe.

Btw, Hong Kong is the best city in the world. hands down.
Yeah I've been there. My ex spends about 6 months of the year there too. So if you see a loud 40'ish tall, blonde american bitch there please punch her in the face for me.
Apcalypse said:
pics of local hotties
hahah I didn't say I lived in Stanley

I was only born there :( (my parents were expats for a while) been back a couple of times though, love it
things I liked in Hong Kong

ocean park
silvermine beach
cheung chau island
the peak. because I was born up there in mathilda hospital :)
Central for the buildings, of course
the YMCA I stayed in next to the Peninsula Hotel
Hong Kong park and the aviary...

yeah... I think that's pretty much what I did last time I visited. It was October, so I'd say the weather was just right. I can't imagine what it would be like living there every day throughout summer :\ I know my dad used to take a taxi to work every day because it was too hot to wait for a bus (taxi wasn't much more expensive anyway)
how old are you skip? did you grow up here (in which case, which school you go to?), or have you been working out here for a while?

obigatory hk pic -

Yeah that taxis here are dirt cheap, NOTHING like they are in the states or UK... all in all I'd say this city has the best public transportation system in the world. However, I havent been to Japan in a while, so I don't have that to compare it to, but I just can't imagine that it's as english (or atleast engrish) friendly as HK is... Monsoon season here now, it's been raining torrentially pretty much all the time for the past 3 weeks or so, and when it's not raining it's fuck-all hot 'n humid. I'm actually leaving for London (live8 concert) tonight, and then I'm back at school in the states. Will definitely miss being here... Hong Kong > Durham, NC.
I'm 22.... so I moved out here from Philadelphia when I was like 7 years old... went to school in HK when I was younger, but went to a military boarding school in indiana of all places for high school.

Edit: Attended Kellet, and GSIS (German Swiss International School)... would have gone to Island School (not south island school, or west island school) like my sisters did, but the parental unit wanted me to get my edumacation on in the US.
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durham NC? you go to duke? 22 and going back to school.... you must be last year at duke right? any chance you know alan chan, sarah chang, adrian (can't remember his last name), mike cheung (ayzianboy = miao wang also a rising senior this year)
i know alan... chilled with him a bit last friday... I've met mike cheung before but I wouldn't say I know him... As far as it being my last year at duke... I'm sort of on the five year plan =/
also speaking of tourists out here (beren and other people), the australians and europeans out here are tolerable. although the british are f'in annoying when they get drunk, absolute slobs, but that's just the brits in general. the americans though.... the worst (i'm american myself btw). i was in 7-11 last week buying a bottle of water when a young couple go up to the counter, obviously american tourists, starting speaking really loudly and slowly to the guy at the counter (typical). then the 7-11 guy hands him the change and one of the bills is a little crumpled. the american guy says this

I was like fuckin' hell you're kidding me right. That's the stupidest insensitive fucking joke you could tell out here, it had hong kong on lockdown for half a year 2 years ago and you're jokin' about it like it's nothing. It's like going to a NY deli and making a 9/11 joke or something, it's just stupid.