(HoI) Which one should I get?


Veteran X
I've never played any of them before, should I start with the original or should I get the newest one? Choose my own adventure TW.

:lol: parentheses :lol:
buy Hoi2 Doomsday

it includes the first expansion for hoi2 (doomsday) and the orig so thats all you need

buy hoi2: armageddon if you enjoy the game otherwise dont waste your money - but arma is not necessary, more mods are requiring it but there are still quite a few people pissed off that the features they are paying for arent worth the price (not that its expensive, it just doesnt add a HUGE amount of things)

any questions just ask :sunny: i heart hoi

edit Dont buy ho1. Hoi2 is lightyears ahead of it. Seriously. Just don't.
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