Hobbit at 48 FPS

I think the technology would be better suited for a sci fi movie, not that I want them remade but if Blade Runner (might be too clean for it), Tron, Matrix, Minority Report or Star Wars was done in 48 frames it would suit the style better.
I think it would have to be considering they're doing 3 movies

I can't really wrap my brain around double the fps being a bad thing
as pretty much everyone said, the 48fps was good in the fast scenes and pretty much ruined the slow and calm scenes. IMO HFR should be used only on sports. in this movies it add a bit to some scenes and detracts a lot from most of the others while 24fps would have been ok on the fast scenes and benefited the slow ones. the 3d was amazing though.
i can't share anything new that you haven't already read online from others, but here is my unsolicitied advice/opinions:

* Go see it in Regular format first, but then definately watch the movie again in HFR and be pleasantly distracted.

* It will take you half the movie to get used to it

* At first It looks like a Hi-Refresh Rate Television with the DVD 1.5X fast forward turned on. Then your eyes/brains adjust and its awesome. Particularly the action scenes (duh).