Hit it or Not: Segarob Edition

The only thing more funny than the fact Azian is even not banned and shunned as he should be is the fact a bunch of gooks are making fun of how someone else looks. :lol:
Neutrino said:
The only thing more funny than the fact Azian is even not banned and shunned as he should be is the fact a bunch of gooks are making fun of how someone else looks. :lol:

until you actually show your face in a public event like UVA you have no legitimate claim in talking shit on tribalwar dot com.
translation: i'll buy you a drink and some wendy's nuggets again because you're actually not a loser irl like most of these fuckers
okay everyone that made fun of him:

1- grow the fuck up

2- post your own pics right here if you're so fuckin perfect, I am sure we'll easily find something to rub in your juvenile little fuck face

go ahead
haha vm wants to suck on segarobs little jew dick and be his e-knight
:rocker: I like drinks and nuggets

see I went to UVA6 expecting the craziest looking guys ever (guys like segarob for example) and I actually found normal people, this was a big shock to me and I will deffinetly be drinking a lot more next year as I am already an established ****
**** (bling)

(p.s. all yall better watch ur face at UVA7 before i punch it off)

(p.s.s. with kindness :heart: )
sLoGg said:
"Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytising faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."

-- Winston Churchill
Whenever I see something this eloquent I always wonder if the person just spewed this out of their ass or actually spent time to think and write it.
he thought about it for a long time, he didn't just think it up on the spot, it was something that he thought about and realised over a period of time while making observations

then he summed it up one night

having said that

segarob looks pretty normal..not sure what you guys are ragging on him for
i don't really hate him or rag on him much, i just posted this because he makes a new hit it or not thread every 30 minutes so i decided to make one in honor of him
oh my a whole thread devoted to me :D

thanks guys .. so much :heart: for everyone in this thread

on side news i feel like vm has turned a new leaf. or maybe i misjudged him. i'm not sure which.

i'll also add than neither jennifer or irina are that cute imo - if you want cute, check my most recent hit it or not thread.

i'm not sure what place a churchill quote on muslims has in this thread..

and lastly, i'm in the 'please have sex with me' facebook group because wren is in it and i wanted to have sex with him :eek: - seriously though, even wren is in it.. it's just a silly group that has no real meaning (at least for me)
no hate rob, i just posted it since you make a new hit it or not thread every hour or so i figure we should have one about you as well.
|vm| said:
okay everyone that made fun of him:

1- grow the fuck up

2- post your own pics right here if you're so fuckin perfect, I am sure we'll easily find something to rub in your juvenile little fuck face

go ahead
whoa there Galahad