[HION] Rock Climber edition

What is up with Imageshack anyway? They take down my semi-nws pictures but leave up superiorly disturbing car crash pictures that rival anything else on the net. Wth?

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Hit. :sex:
I can understand her body type not being someone's thing... but her personality seems pretty sexy, too.

Plus she's wicked determined, and that to me is hot.
I can understand her body type not being someone's thing... but her personality seems pretty sexy, too.

Plus she's wicked determined, and that to me is hot.
I completely agree with the personality/determination thing, that's definitely hot in a chick.

But the calloused hands, 4% body fat body, no tits, no ass, and the fact that she looks 14 doesn't appeal to a guy like me that's 36 and wants a girl with curves.
Fair enough!

I will say she probably has a really nice ass though. All the hardcore female climbers at my gym had amazing legs/butt.