[HION] Pedophile female teacher blows 15 year old

There are certainly moral issues with having a sexual relationship with a minor, but calling them pedos isn't accurate. Its insinuating that the woman or man, who fucked a 15 or 17 year old, would also be down with fucking 8 year olds.
There are certainly moral issues with having a sexual relationship with a minor, but calling them pedos isn't accurate. Its insinuating that the woman or man, who fucked a 15 or 17 year old, would also be down with fucking 8 year olds.

They're still children
She was fucking a 15yo student and only get 16 months?

That's so fucking absurd. This stupid cunt needs to be beaten for months on end to be properly realigned and then serve 5+ years.
skittle is right, whether you all like it or not

pedophilia is specific to prepubescent kids

post-pubescent kids is just regular ol' sex offending with minors

two's company three's a crowd let's bust out the cp boyz, who wants linda hamilton v. eddie furlong
The boys always fuck it up by telling their friends. I would have loved to be fucking her when I was 14 lol