hion antifa edition


I C Wat U Did

Well holy shit
I was more right than wrong
The clothing designer, who’s based in Los Angeles, met Vargas, who’s from Sacramento, online and they hit it off “really well” in late 2018. In early 2019, when they were in their early 20s, Vargas flew down to L.A. “We weren’t, like, trying to get married or anything,” he said. “We were hooking up for a few months.”

Toward the end of those months, the designer said, Vargas posted on his Discord that she was reading Hitler’s 1925 manifesto. They got into a discussion about it that revealed more of Vargas’ far-right politics, he said.

“I was just instantly turned off, like, ‘Yo, I don’t think this is going to work out,’” he said. “You’re, like, reading ‘Mein Kampf,’ you think immigrants don’t deserve X, Y, Z.” (One of the social media accounts linked to Vargas, which was viewed by NBC News, also makes references to Hitler.)

A real nice conservative family girl
good thing they got jenny from racist kentuc... oh shes Jennifer Inzuza Vargas, of Los Angeles.

bummer, whitey fbi takes down a hispanic chick. our poor media cant get rage clicks on this one :(

there are chuds all over, we can't discriminate chuds by geographic location
She basically wanted to be part of the fun, but the FBI wants to put her away forever. Wow, she held a door open.

Meanwhile, there's hundreds of BLM "Peaceful Protestors" who destroyed cities, killed people, and nothing happened.
Something still doesn't smell right. She's got her trial on May 22, so it looks like they're moving forward on her. At least they didn't drop her from the FBI list like they did Epps... but they're pretty late putting her on it. Is she in jail? no? hmm. While others have languished in jail with no trial.. hers is like badabing badaboom. I am curious how this goes...
...Kira West, an attorney for Jan. 6 defendant Darrell Neely, has questioned the government about Pink Beret, who is seen on video holding hands with Neely inside the Capitol. West wrote in a memo this year that it was “hard to believe the government doesn’t know who she is and even harder to understand why they haven’t charged her with crimes like everyone else.”

West, in a filing in February, wrote that “Mr. Neely’s entry into the Capitol was directed by Pink Beret. Mr. Neely needs to know who she is and why she was there. He also needs to understand if he was targeted by her that day and for what purpose.”

Pink Beret was “central to Mr. Neely’s defense,” and the court should allow a “robust cross examination of government witnesses about Pink Beret girl, her possible connection to law enforcement and her role in the events of January 6, 2021,” West wrote.

The government has sought to have Neely’s defense team banned at trial from raising questions about whether Pink Beret was a member of law enforcement unless they could offer any evidence for that assertion, writing, “the Government is unaware of any evidence to support that contention.”...
Something still doesn't smell right. She's got her trial on May 22, so it looks like they're moving forward on her. At least they didn't drop her from the FBI list like they did Epps... but they're pretty late putting her on it. Is she in jail? no? hmm. While others have languished in jail with no trial.. hers is like badabing badaboom. I am curious how this goes...

take your meds