[high flatulent] e-Dribble


Veteran X

v. e-drib·bled, e-drib·bling, e-drib·bles

1. To feed forum trolls organic drivel in order to keep a thread/topic active.
n. e-drib·ble

1. Farm-raised organic drivel flowing from an act of e-dribbling.
2. The fossils of free range drivel left scattered within internet tubes.

This is often done by the original poster of an internet forum topic/thread as a means to cultivate ongoing interest in the topic. It can be done artfully - in a manner whereby the trolls are unaware of themselves being e-dribbled. It can also be done in the most mundane manners, such as posting enticing pictures, psychological baiting or other provocations. Being "on topic" is not required.

This is often mistaken as "trying to win" e-fights with trolls. See also "High Flatulent Dribble."
RELATED: "Retard Magnetism"

Retards have unique electromagnetic characteristics. Retards do not recognize each other due to ferromagnetic ordering of retard spin. They simply are unaware of their status and cannot see each other as retards. This also theologically aligns with a Panentheist view, putting retards in the same spiritual class as Bonobos.


In fact, when put in a room with Bonobos, retards may be unable to distinguish themselves. In extreme cases, the retards may believe they are completely alone until being fucked in the ass by friendly Bonobos. Reactions may be to scream out the word "virgin," often causing retards in such extreme cases to be confused with children with Turrents Syndrome. They enjoy this.

you spent way too much time on this

even if you just copy pasta'ed this

way too much time to say in effect DANCE PUPPETS DANCE
That reminds me that I need to make an appointment to donate blood for the redcross.

Also consider doing some volunteer work at your local hospital, soup kitchen or school.

It reminded me that i need to follow up with a very cute yoga instructor. And i want to start an art class. :brows:
