Hi mav

As a medium lover the lack of base being played in T1 mean I do not get to live my one true tribe joy and passion often

I hear that you hold key to Rampancy and medium armor in the Community

If I could be medium armor on LT map I would be very happy hoplite

Pls let me :sunny:
i don't know what rock you been hiding under but we play base regularly now/have in rotation etc
every time i join it is LT and when base comes up as map all the LT faggots leave make for 6v6 7v7 bullshit
rapancy should make MT

i would play

change the fucking game br0
I would but I do not know how I have zero experience mod tribe

I would make MT disk chain gren blaster tho somebody give me means pls
every time i join it is LT and when base comes up as map all the LT faggots leave make for 6v6 7v7 bullshit
I would but I do not know how I have zero experience mod tribe

I would make MT disk chain gren blaster tho somebody give me means pls

every1 shuld be carrying turret pack