hey vir: go fuck yourself

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Lotus said:
i don't see what the problem is. s3 banned and kicked ppl all the time from the donut. i'm pretty sure nutz and poe had their teams completed banned as well. i say let 5150 run their server however they want. there are tons of servers.

poe and s3 got along great for the most part, especially towards the end.
i duno what 5150 is "elite" at now, to my knowledge they havn't been very good at anything since tribes, which is actually quite a small game in comparison to the rest of the profesional gaming world.
Hoo_Man said:
i duno what 5150 is "elite" at now, to my knowledge they havn't been very good at anything since tribes, which is actually quite a small game in comparison to the rest of the profesional gaming world.

If i do it all over again, ill make sure my team plays tribes, cs, and cod at the same time on 2 ladders :rolleyes:
chillout, i'm not being mean, i bring teh <3 to all, im just tellin the truth, i see all this ELITEST talk, i duno why, the alure of 5150 has long since lost its luster.

I still love you guys
e - there is a subforum for this apparently
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Hoo_Man said:
chillout, i'm not being mean, i bring teh <3 to all, im just tellin the truth, i see all this ELITEST talk, i duno why, the alure of 5150 has long since lost its luster.

I still love you guys

i just didnt get what you said. It didnt make sense. We play one game at a time and have owned in every game we have played so far. Is that good?
Well thats good, i just havn't heard of you in any of the major games, as i said, "to my knowledge". <3
Rev said:
thread hijack

Say I'm new to counterstrike but pretty good. How do I go about breaking into the CS team community?

ring and do pugs with known teams or players. only way to break-in anymore, since 90% of teams wont even consider u if u dont have 1-2 seasons of exp in their level or higher
if you all know how the elitist cyberdorks behave on their server, why do you keep playing there?

haven't you figured out the server is there for their enjoyment, not yours?

there are lots of other servers, better servers. We all know vir et al are worthless douchbags but why you punish yourself by playing in their driveway with their ego inflating house rules just baffles me.
slut said:
i just didnt get what you said. It didnt make sense. We play one game at a time and have owned in every game we have played so far. Is that good?

own every game? which ones? which ladders?
as far as i can recall, 5150 was tops at t1,t2,t:v and sof2, nothing really that mainstream in terms of competitive scene but meh
That's not a very fair thing to say, pagy. I've played on 5150 servers (although it was way back in t1) and the majority of them were fun to play with...some of the best pubs I've ever had.

I've been permbanned (which was a misunderstanding but I do agree they are quick on that button), but slam and HK were civil and willing to give me another chance. There's just a few rotten apples in the bunch ;)
shit i didn't even know they made a soldier of fortune 2 untill i googled it, i wana go download that shit, 1 was fucking great.
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