Hey Muk, sup with the Farage Barrage?

ukip are fucking scums and are the reason why it's so nice to not have proportional representation

they're basically the BNP but (slightly) better at projecting a 'we're not total racists honest' image, although this slips pretty regularly

saddest thing is that a lot of people fall for their bullshit but that's okay, they won't be getting any sort of power any time soon

whenever they've come to my home town we in the socialist workers party and unite against fascism have always had a good time w/ them because they're fucking idiots and good to chat to
this is always good for a laugh

unrelated apart from the fact that the above is always presented as 'not quite as bad as tommy robinson on newsnight', but considering your viewpoints you might be interested in it (dude is member of a far-right english nationalist group called the english defence league and is dumb as rocks but hates dem islams)

he's now working w/ an anti-racist/extremism group called quilliam and staffed mostly by muslims lmao