Hey, do you have a minute for _?



Hey TW. For those of you who live in metropolitan areas: what do you think of these fucks?
I saw some of them standing outside the mall today while I cruised by in my expensive truck, wearing comfortable yet dashing business casual.

Our eyes met.

I felt pity.
I walk by at least 2, from various organizations, everyday. The guys rarely ever attempt to engage me.

The women are about 1 for 2. Depends if I'm drafting a group of sicklier, weaker looking members of the herd or if I'm on my own.
one girl did this to me a few days ago at the airport, she was cute

so I was like "well okay you're cute, what are you talking about"

so I politely listened to her spiel for a couple minutes and then I was like "well this was fun, got to go catch my flight, later"

she was visibly upset that she went through her whole spiel and had nothing to show for it, but she should've known from my shit-eating grin the entire time that I was not taking her seriously at all
I realize that you're jealous because you're too much of a nerdvirgin to tell random girls that they're cute

so I can't be mad at you

it's not your fault dude