help: why does my internet keep breaking

Baby Bew

Veteran XV
I am using one of those comcast modem/router combos

my computer randomly disconnects from the internet (but stays connected to the "local network"). After a little bit it re-establishes the internet connection

I can watch a netflix movie on my television through the same router without a problem and the modem lights stay light up when the internet disconnects
Introverted NIC syndrome. Put a line of cock in the port.

*Well, a line of coke. You could try the cock, though.
its a comcast router/modem thing. i think i got it two years ago

guess it's worth a shot to ask comcast for a new modem and see if it fixes things
Your modem has inverted ports. You are going to need to coax them out with a little suction and patience. Then, the packets will flow.
you can spend ~120 of your own money and get a decent router and modem to use and save urself a monthly rental fee

and not have to deal with comcast customer service

and not have to deal with shitty comcast hardware

and yes, a bad router/modem combo can cause wierd dropouts / disconnects while other devices keep working

can you use any other devices / computers on the network to see if they lose connection? an old laptop you could try or maybe even just browsing on a cellphone?
Wireless or wired?

If it's wireless you may have too many people on the same channel. Most auto-switch but yours might not have. Too many people using the same frequency range can screw with your signal.
yah go to costco, get motorola cable modem, and order that router or tplink or something

you save money after a year. and you have 5ghz wifi which is way better
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