help! their stealing bandwidth!


Veteran XX
ok, here's the problem. my friend has wireless in his apt but other people are leeching off their wireless. are there programs and stuff you can d/l to monitor the bandwidth on your wireless and limit it or cut them off altogether? thanks.
just make people have to login in order to use the router.... you can even limit usage to specific mac addresses only
WAP encryption under the AES algorithm seems the most secure right now(and works like a password instead of some annoying hex key)
Degenerate said:
ok, here's the problem. my friend has wireless in his apt but other people are downloading child porn and getting him in trouble with the FBI. are there programs and stuff you can d/l to monitor the bandwidth on your wireless and limit it or cut them off altogether? thanks.
or just change the SSID to something random like tubgirl and set the SSID to not be broadcast. It aint encrypted, but the non-l33t users won't even know its there.
me and my roommate steal our internet via somebody's wireless. I have a dedicated box that recieves the wireless signal and port it out to a router that goes to my machine, roommates, ps2, xbox, etc.
What's so wrong with wireless theft? :D I use it in my car for my laptop all the time.

Drive until I find a open some songs...burn off listening to new CD. It's beautiful.
there are ways to protect it, at least against casuals (what I have for the wireless router in our apt).

if you leave your wireless open though, then why can't others use it? I mean you're not stopping them. In fact you're broadcasting to their comps "Hey, use this signal!"
just rolling around stealing internet at random seems like the nerdiest thing in the world

i mean, whats the point ??