Help me pick my class

Uncle Slappy

Veteran XV
So I haven't played seriously in probably 1.5-2 years. But I just got a good job with normal hours and wanna start back up.

Before I left I played a rogue up to 60. I like to solo level, and do occasional instances for just gear. I like BGs, but have never done arena. The biggest raid I've ever done is ZG.

Now like I said I like to level solo, and when I'm in groups I like to dps(I don't mind healing, but not if I have to spec to the point where it gimps my solo grinding ability).

So what do you think? Roll another rogue? Even back in the day it was hell finding a group as a rogue. I'm hoping there's a better option someone can suggest.

Here's some of the options I was considering, let me know if you think any of them would be a good fit...

Shadow Priest
Fury or Arms Warrior
Enh Shaman
Pally(can they even dps now a days? I leveled one to 52 like 2 years ago and it was a fucking chore)

Thanks for the input, remember I haven't played seriously in a while so I'm out of the loop.
Warlock or Warrior. both of them are good now...both of them are getting good talents in expansion.
youd do well with your first two suggestions.

How do shadow priests do at end-game? I heard they're more widely accepted in raids now. How do they fair in PvP?

Warlock or Warrior. both of them are good now...both of them are getting good talents in expansion.

Aren't warriors very gear dependent? That part kind of worries me. Also I've heard mixed messages on leveling a warrior, some say its easier, some say it's harder. At end-game are you pretty much stuck being the meat shield if you want do raid, or do the other talent trees fit in?
Ret paladins are basically getting an aura that gives 2% extra damage to the whole raid, which is pretty huge. I would say warrior is a pretty good choice, since you will always be needed for both PvE and PvP, but it is a pain to level them compared to other classes. From what I have seen, shadow priests don't really scale that well in endgame compared to other classes, so you might want to take that into consideration.
end game is much better for warriors than it use to you can get gear for whatever spec you want to're not forced into just tanking.(it's the same for all classes) also getting gear from pvp is much easier than when you left.
end game is much better for warriors than it use to you can get gear for whatever spec you want to're not forced into just tanking.(it's the same for all classes) also getting gear from pvp is much easier than when you left.

So would a raid actually take along a warrior for DPS in a raid? That used to be pretty unheard of.
Shadow Priest - Always sought after in raids, 5mans can be tough due to no CC
Lock - Can't go wrong here
Fury or Arms Warrior - Arms for pvp, fury PvE (17/44 for DW or 33/28 for 2h Slam). Nearly impossible to find a group. Would have to start your own.
Enh Shaman - Same setbacks as a warrior, but sought after for raids.
Pally(can they even dps now a days? I leveled one to 52 like 2 years ago and it was a fucking chore) - Wouldn't bother unless you want to healbot or tank.
It's certainly not for everyone but I really enjoy my (feral) druid. Ferals can chain solo mobs due to improved leader of pack and if you really get in trouble you can just pop out and heal or run away. I don't think a feral will ever do rogue like dps but I can certainly hold my own on the dps charts. Combined with the fact that you can do everything dps, tank, heal, makes it a great choice for me.
So I haven't played seriously in probably 1.5-2 years. But I just got a good job with normal hours and wanna start back up.

Before I left I played a rogue up to 60. I like to solo level, and do occasional instances for just gear. I like BGs, but have never done arena. The biggest raid I've ever done is ZG.

Now like I said I like to level solo, and when I'm in groups I like to dps(I don't mind healing, but not if I have to spec to the point where it gimps my solo grinding ability).

So what do you think? Roll another rogue? Even back in the day it was hell finding a group as a rogue. I'm hoping there's a better option someone can suggest.

Here's some of the options I was considering, let me know if you think any of them would be a good fit...

Shadow Priest
Fury or Arms Warrior
Enh Shaman
Pally(can they even dps now a days? I leveled one to 52 like 2 years ago and it was a fucking chore)

Thanks for the input, remember I haven't played seriously in a while so I'm out of the loop.

fine, don't read my write up in the druid thread you made :(
I did read it, but it was strictly druid stuff, I was going to ask you much broader questions last night(the ones in this post).

I'll help you pick but answer me this first....

What do you want to do endgame?...dont worry about leveling up for now.

PVP? - healer? strict dps? meat shield? support?

Arena? same as above

PVE? same as above

what role do you want to fit into...answer me this young skywalker and i'll start you on your journey.

just a general rule...if you want to dps in pve (5 man) then you better damn well have crowd control....or have a pally tank friend(most just grab everything in site, fun stuff)
I'll help you pick but answer me this first....

What do you want to do endgame?...dont worry about leveling up for now.

PVP? - healer? strict dps? meat shield? support?

Arena? same as above

PVE? same as above

what role do you want to fit into...answer me this young skywalker and i'll start you on your journey.

just a general rule...if you want to dps in pve (5 man) then you better damn well have crowd control....or have a pally tank friend(most just grab everything in site, fun stuff)

PVP: I like to hit hard, and kill at least 2 or 3 people before dying(or not dying) One thing I enjoyed about my pally is people had a really hard time trying to kill me, but could usually escape before I could kill them:(

Arena: I don't really know as I've never done arena, but just healing sounds boring, unless I'm healing myself. I wanna kill people.

PVE: I don't care for the responsibility of healing or keeping aggro, I just like to hurt stuff.

So I guess DPS and survivability(but I'd rather survive without running away like I did as a rogue, but that might be my best option.)