Help me German speakers of TW


Veteran X
I have a test tomorrow on a few german stories, pretty simple but I'm completely lost on one of em. Here it is:

Pt. 1

Sie betraten die Bar, und sanft leitete er sie an einen intimen Nicschentisch. Seine Augen waren zärtlich und roh, besitzergreifend. Sie atmete schwer, im glänzenden Blick lagen Unsicherheit und Hoffnung.

You are terribly sweet, sagte er leise.

Sie schüttelte den Kopf, lächelte. Er beteuerte es ihr, umschloss mit einer Hand ihre gefalteten kleinen Finger, fragte, ob sie tanzen wolle.

Sie tanzten dicht aneinandergedrängt und immer noch zu weit voneinander entfernt. Schwere, süsse Betäubung. Die Musik, sein Atem, ihr Parfum, Augen, Hände, Wärme. Ein Rausch.

Er verging nicht. Im Taxi brachte er sie nach Haus. Sie wohnte allein. Darf ich? O nein. Nur eine Tasse Kaffee. Bitte!

Er durfte. Zärtlicher grosser Mann, seine erregende, wunderbare Liebe. Herzklopfen, sanft, sanft kam er zu ihr, ein paar Tränen, die nur die Augen füllten und nicht die Wangen hinunterliefen, ihre Hingabe, dem Zuschauer versprochen in der Glut eines Augenaufschlags, in der Verschmelzung ihrer Lippen.


-Noch was trinken?
-Ja, wär' nicht schlecht.
Sie betraten die Bar, und missmutig bahnte er sich einen Weg durch die Tische, fand keinen guten Platz. Sie hinter ihm her.
Unsympathisch muss er wirken mit seinem finsteren Gesicht, den unvergnügten Lippen.
Er bestellte das billigste Getränk, fand es immer noch zu teuer.
-Hübscher Film, sagte sie.
-Na, reichlich dick aufgetragen, brummte er.
-Was willst du, Kitsch ist's immer.
Beleidigt sass sie, betrachtete mit geringschätziger Wehmut die Tanzpaare.
-Blöd, bei der Hitze zu tanzen, sagte sie traurig.
Er sah auf, fixierte eine aparte kleine Mulattin, schlank und drahtig und halb nackt in den Armen ihres Partners.
-Kommt drauf an, sagte er.
Schwere, bittere Enttäuschung. Die Musik, sein festgenagelter Blick, dass man nicht geliebt wurde, dass man nicht liebte. Hitze. Eine scwache, leise bohrende Qual. Sie verging nicht. Verstimmt tappten sie durch die dunklen Strassen.

I get most of part one, there's a couple in a bar and the guy says that she's terrible sweet, and they dance all close and sexy like, but I'm completely lost on part 2. Is it the same couple? I thought it was the guy telling his friend about the date but that's not making much sense either. If someone who's good with German could tell me wtf is happening in part 2 I'd really appreciate it.

Now I'm thinking that part 2 is him a while later once the freshness of the relationship has worn off, and he's watching the other people dancing and wishing he could be out there too?
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Drake said:
fucking babelfish dumbazz

Like I said before, babelfish dies on the second paragraph. Besides, after German2 babelfish along with pretty much any other online translator ceased being of any help. I'm pretty crappy at German, but even I'm better than those peices of crap, usually.

Where's Per when you need him :/. always helped me to translate german, you will not get an exact translation but you should be able to combine the rough translation that it gives you with a german dictionary to help with the words it does not recognize...

Es tut mir leid aber ich bin zu modisch und faul zu lessen fur dich...
second paragrah

Yet what drink? -Yes, wär' not badly. They entered the bar, and he cleared himself missmutig a way through the tables, found no good place. You behind it here. Disagreeable it must cause with its dark face, the unvergnügten lips. It ordered the cheapest drink, found it always yet too expensively. -Pretty film, said it. -Well, amply thickly applied, hummed it. -What you, junk wants to be it always. Insulted it sat, observed the dance couples with derogatory melancholy. -Stupid to dance in the heat, said it sadly. It looked up, fixed a distinctive little Mulattin, slimly and wiry and half naked in the arms of its partner. -Comes thereon on, said it. Heavy, bitter disappointment. The music, its festgenagelter view that one was not loved, that one did not love. Heat. A scwache, softly boring torment. It did not pass. Tappten upsets it through the dark streets.
first part one

They entered the bar, and it softly led it at an intimate Nicschentisch. Its eyes were tender and raw, owner handle. It breathed lay heavily, in the shining view uncertainty and hope.

You are terribly sweet, said it softly.

It shook the head, smiled. It assured it its, surrounded its folded little fingers with a hand, asked whether it wanted dance.

They danced thickly aneinandergedrängt and always yet to far from one another removes. Heavy, sweet anesthetic. The music, its breath, its Parfum, eyes, hands, warmth. An intoxication.

It did not pass. In the taxi, it brought it home. It lived alone. Do I may? O no. Only a cup of coffee. Please!

It might. Tender large man, its exciting, wonderful loves. Palpitation, softly, softly it did not come to its, a couple of tears that only the eyes filled and the cheeks hinunterliefen, its abandon, that spectators promised in the glow of an eye impact, in the fusion of its lips.
yeah what that dude said. Use or whatever
then you should be able to read through it and make sense and re-arrange the words as the sentences arent stuctured correctly as it just does a translation of the words but not in the right order that the correct grammatical sentence would be :D
Drake said:
second paragrah

Yet what drink? -Yes, wär' not badly. They entered the bar, and he cleared himself missmutig a way through the tables, found no good place. You behind it here. Disagreeable it must cause with its dark face, the unvergnügten lips. It ordered the cheapest drink, found it always yet too expensively. -Pretty film, said it. -Well, amply thickly applied, hummed it. -What you, junk wants to be it always. Insulted it sat, observed the dance couples with derogatory melancholy. -Stupid to dance in the heat, said it sadly. It looked up, fixed a distinctive little Mulattin, slimly and wiry and half naked in the arms of its partner. -Comes thereon on, said it. Heavy, bitter disappointment. The music, its festgenagelter view that one was not loved, that one did not love. Heat. A scwache, softly boring torment. It did not pass. Tappten upsets it through the dark streets.

:p Thanks for trying but I've already tried those translations and they aren't helping me as much as I need. I know pretty much what the second paragraph is saying, but I'd still like someone who can translate correctly to help me with that second paragraph, at least better than an online translator can do.

yeah what that dude said. Use or whatever
then you should be able to read through it and make sense and re-arrange the words as the sentences arent stuctured correctly as it just does a translation of the words but not in the right order that the correct grammatical sentence would be

Yah I've been doing that, but I think I'm still missing something ya know? :shrug: