[Help] Can I still get free dial up internet?

I just built a PC for my mom who has never used the internet before. She can't afford broadband and doesn't really need it anyway. Are there any free dial-up ISP's still out there? Can I still get those free AOL trial discs? When the hell did NetZero start charging for service?
I have an idea. Pretend that your ass is Google. Pretend that the way you search it is by inserting a serated bread knife deep inside it. Now, pretend you have 1/2 hour to complete a term paper on a subject you know nothing about. Ready - GO!
I have an idea. Pretend that your ass is Google. Pretend that the way you search it is by inserting a serated bread knife deep inside it. Now, pretend you have 1/2 hour to complete a term paper on a subject you know nothing about. Ready - GO!

I see I'm not the only one in this predicatment