[Help!] Analyze this bug I killed


Veteran X
There's a bunch of these floating around the handrails on our deck. It's really weird. They look like maybe some sort of flying ants or baby wasps or something.

They just hover around the handrails, which seems really weird. Like 50+.


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Thanks guys!

I live in Eastern South Dakota.

We've lived here 6 years and I've never seen anything like this. In that picture the tail of the bug looks more pointy than it really is. That's why it's hard to determine.

I may need to call the bug dude. I think I might have an epidemic soon. This is only the second day I've noticed them.

I did see a big bee flying around today, which I normally don't see. I do see wasps flying around from time to time.
common thread-waisted wasp
Common Western Dead Man's Wasp.

You need to be extremely careful around them.

They aren't very aggressive, but if they do attack, the entire swarm will attack and it may be enough to KILL YOU.
I'll have to read up on that. It's weird cause they are ONLY around the deck, especially around the edges/tops of the railing. They just kinda hover land and hover.

It's not like their zipping around to one spot. They are evenly spread around the edges of the deck. Very weird.

Suppose I'll call the bug guy.