Hawaii ranked 23 in nation.

Colt Brennan had 6 TD's and 416 yards in one half...sure it was Northern Colorado but still...ONE HALF
I would say most locals are Niner fans. Or maybe even Raiduuuhs.

As for UH, they have two tough teams on the schedule, Boise State and UW. If they run the table, I can't see them not making the BCS. I'm hoping U-dub plays the spoiler though. They pushed the Orange's mud, but it was only Syracuse. Our QB seems like the real deal--he looked good in that game.

UH is always iffy on the road too. And if anything happens to Colt, the jig is up. Grienke, the back-up QB, looked absolutely horrible. Very slow decision making.
Sean, it sounds like you follow UH. Does Colt seem like a system QB like Jimmy was or does he actually look like a strong NFL prospect? He wasn't even recruited and then he got into trouble at the first college stop I believe.
Colt Brennan should win the Heisman this year but he wont, because he plays in the WAC. The guy is incredibly fun to watch and will make some NFL team very happy in the future.
Sean, it sounds like you follow UH. Does Colt seem like a system QB like Jimmy was or does he actually look like a strong NFL prospect? He wasn't even recruited and then he got into trouble at the first college stop I believe.

You mean Timmy?

Anyway, Colt benefits from playing in the run & shoot, but he's got skills. His accuracy is simply amazing and has a pretty good arm. He has good charisma and seems like a strong leader. The knock on him is his throwing motion--it's like 3/4 sidearm, so it's a bit low. But it's quick release and like I said earlier, his accuracy is just incredible. He has solid height, but he probably needs to buff up a bit to take the hits and rigors of the NFL. He doesn't get sacked much playing out of the shotgun and June Jones is vastly underrated for his offensive line schemes. Look at how many NFL o-linemen UH has produced. They can protect the passer. So hopefully he can not only get some more strength, but thicken out a bit. He has some gunslinger in him and he has some of those special qualities to make something out of nothing. He has good vision. He's not an exceptional athlete, but he can scramble if necessary. I've seen him run for a first down here and there, but he's no Vince Young and he's not Bledsow either.

I'd say he's a legit NFL prospect. I think he'd do well in a short-passing, timing scheme. He'd rock in a west coast offense. He does have nice touch and all, but I don't know if he's well suited for the vertical game. I can see him having a solid NFL career on the right team, but I have my doubts if he'd be all-pro or anything.