Having sex with ex-girlfriend--Do It or Dont?

This is some pretty complicated advice, so pay attention:

Fuck everything that moves. You are young and chicks are still hot at that age...

Before long you'll be an old guy whoring the forums on a Saturday night wondering, "why the fuck do young people need to ask if they should get laid?".

Fuck her

Fuck her sideways

Fuck her upside down

Fuck her friends

Fuck her mom

Fuck her closet door
you should only be thinking about yourself here.

i say do it if you don't have any feelings for her.

if you do, then pumping her full up semen will probably hurt more than help when you find out that seven of your frat bros septuple-teamed her the night before.
god what a terrible place to ask for this sort of advice, of course every sex starved nerd here is going to insist you do it and thats obvious

the truth is that it depends, but its probably not worth the drama.
woah someone took the high and mighty road flinging the sex starved nerd insults, that didn't take long

anyway, she wants to fuck him he wants to fuck her
and the only thing stopping them is what others think?? no brainer

granted his story has a huge hole in it (why did you break up?)

you'll have the rest of your life to regret past decisions
yeah i know its dumb to always generalize TW as nerds w/o girlfriends while considering yourself the exception

but really...having sex with an ex is not always a good idea, and the fact that he himself needs to ask this question, let alone all his friends are telling him not to, is a strong indication he should stay away. Some girls are OK for *only* physical relationships, but they are the minority.