Have ya ever met a happy atheist?

I am not talking about laboratories.. I don't fucking care. I am talking about your source. Your source is full of plot holes.

I don't care about experiments. I am pointing at your basis for belief and outlining the contradictions and serious problems with the whole story
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Which would prove nothing. A person can get that same exact reaction from a whole manner of experiences. It doesn't prove anyone is in love with any particular person.

Put a buckassed naked seductress in close quarters of a guy in love with another chick and you'll get the same exact physiological responses. It doesn't prove anything at all.
Science can tell the difference between love and lust.

The Common Neural Bases Between Sexual Desire and Love: A Multilevel Kernel Density fMRI Analysis


All your experiment does is prove that I see something that you do not.

It doesn't prove the color green in any way, shape, or form.
And I'm not asking you to demonstrate green to me directly either. I'm only asking you to use your sense of green in such a way that I can expect to see different results depending on whether or not your sense is accurate, even without a sense of green of my own.

I'm not asking you to demonstrate god to me directly. But can you use your sense of god/spirituality/whatever in the same way?
TIL that you can't possibly believe in a higher power or a spiritual realm of existence if you haven't read the christian bible

gg and thx
So what are you havax? I asked both of you already but maybe this time? What doctrine do you follow?
We are talking about God. Not Mohammad or Shiva or Budda. the thread is titled have ya met a happy atheist?
I'm fascinated with the logical way Pagy and you argue / debate epistemology and other topics. Please recommend your favorite books and authors on logic, fallacies, thinking, debating, rationality..epistemology.
How much time do you have on your hands?

If you feel like binging on 20+ years of material, then head on over to The Atheist Experience

This started as a show on local public access TV in Austin, TX with zero budget. The format is simple: a couple atheists take calls from theists, and talk to them about their beliefs. The default question to theist callers is "what do you believe and why?", but people (theist and atheist alike) are allowed to bring their own subjects as long as it relates to religion. They've since grown into a worldwide phenomenon. The organizaiton also has other productions, but this is their flagship broadcast.

If you want the tl;dr of the most common counterapologetics, then check out Atheist Debates project - YouTube

This guy started out as just a regular caller on the above show, then became a host, then became president of the organization for a while, and now he's basically a full-time philosopher and has had appearances with Dawkins, Harris, Krauss, etc. Also he performs magic and does a "magic and skepticism" tour.
We are talking about God. Not Mohammad or Shiva or Budda. the thread is titled have ya met a happy atheist?

Really the only difference between any of them is what sky fairy their parents were indoctrinated into so it's pretty irrelevant man
Not really.. the god this thread is about, I believe is the God of the bible. Am I wrong? I will shut up if this is about some other god
I'm fascinated by the patience and perseverance required to continue to try and patiently explain things for 40+ pages to people who are closed-minded and clearly of low intelligence.

how fucking bored are you Amadeus? :p
bitch, i edumacate people for fun

also, ackshully my dialogue with taxi is only like 7 pages of 40+