Have ya ever met a happy atheist?

i would actually love to know if there is anything after death, if a God exists or not. unfortunately, no scientist that has ever lived to this day can tell us for certain, so i guess we'll have to keep on guessing or go on faith. :shrug:
You seem to be under the impression that belief in the supernatural and the lack of such belief are equally justified positions.

They're not.
You seem to be under the impression that belief in the supernatural and the lack of such belief are equally justified positions.

They're not.

So what you're telling me is that because you don't believe in anything supernatural beyond what we know today in this universe, you're automatically right? You do realize that we're a fledgling species and we really don't know shit, right?
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So what you're telling me is that because you don't believe in anything supernatural beyond what we know today in this universe, you're automatically right? You do realize that we're fledgling species and we really don't know shit, right?
No, that's not what I'm saying, and yes, we don't know everything. But we've developed a pretty fucking solid methodology for finding out what is true about the universe, and that methodology does not allow for believing things without good reason.
No, that's not what I'm saying, and yes, we don't know everything. But we've developed a pretty fucking solid methodology for finding out what is true about the universe, and that methodology does not allow for believing things without good reason.

I would agree that the methodologies that we've developed are pretty good, but we developed it and we are fledgling humans and we really don't know shit :shrug:
Well that didn't last fucking long.

Ok, let's try this: why should I believe anything on faith, without good reason?
An actual question.

Do you care if you believe false things? Would you be interested in finding out that your beliefs are false, even if doing so would make you less happy?

I like the truth. Sometimes it isn't pretty. You make the best of it.

My beliefs have been "false" so many times now I've gotten used to it.

Kinda started with Santa Claus, then grew from there.

  • Women are sane
  • Women are equal to men
  • People are inherently good inside
  • "Liberalism is a mental disorder" is just a mean-spirited saying
  • Conservative people are close-minded
  • America is the "land of the free and home of the brave"
  • "Conspiracy theories" are just things dreamed up by kooks
  • There is no "deep state"
  • Racism isn't profitable
  • Only the smartest people succeed
  • If you work hard, you can overcome every obstacle
  • People who grow old unmarried with nobody around them but animals are still normal
  • Religions are for the weak

I have a really long list of things that have been shattered over the years... my attitude at this point in my life is... come at me bitch. :shrug:
So then why do you believe things on faith?

Do you care if you believe false things?

there are a few reasons that i believe there might be something after death that I don't care to discuss with a pedophile, sorry

what if they aren't false things, though?

i mean, i can see why you come to this conclusion, given the methodologies that we as humans have come up with so far. i get it, if you can't see it, it doesn't exist to you. fine.

but what IF there is something after death? what IF there is actually a "god", whether it be aliens or some other-dimensional being?
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I like the truth. Sometimes it isn't pretty. You make the best of it.

My beliefs have been "false" so many times now I've gotten used to it.

Kinda started with Santa Claus, then grew from there.

  • Women are sane
  • Women are equal to men
  • People are inherently good inside
  • "Liberalism is a mental disorder" is just a mean-spirited saying
  • Conservative people are close-minded
  • America is the "land of the free and home of the brave"
  • "Conspiracy theories" are just things dreamed up by kooks
  • There is no "deep state"
  • Racism isn't profitable
  • Only the smartest people succeed
  • If you work hard, you can overcome every obstacle
  • People who grow old unmarried with nobody around them but animals are still normal
  • Religions are for the weak

I have a really long list of things that have been shattered over the years... my attitude at this point in my life is... come at me bitch. :shrug:
Alright, so how did you confirm that your religious beliefs aren't false?
there are a few reasons that i believe there might be something after death that I don't care to discuss with a pedophile, sorry
Well good thing I'm not one of those, then. :sunny:

Fire away!

what if they aren't false things, though?

i mean, i can see why you come to this conclusion, given the methodologies that we as humans have come up with so far. i get it, if you can't see it, it doesn't exist to you. fine.

but what IF there is something after death? what IF there is actually a "god", whether it be aliens or some other-dimensional being?
Side note: I haven't come to any conclusion re: the supernatural, apart from "at the moment, we have no reason to believe any of it".

More to the point though, there's no point in worrying about "what if"s. I could concoct a million different scenarios with a million different implications. Why are you so concerned about the "what if" of your particular god and afterlife over any other one?
if it wasn't for the jesus i'd probably have blown my brains out a long time ago

im happy i swear
I like the truth. Sometimes it isn't pretty. You make the best of it.

My beliefs have been "false" so many times now I've gotten used to it.

Kinda started with Santa Claus, then grew from there.

  • Women are sane
  • Women are equal to men
  • People are inherently good inside
  • "Liberalism is a mental disorder" is just a mean-spirited saying
  • Conservative people are close-minded
  • America is the "land of the free and home of the brave"
  • "Conspiracy theories" are just things dreamed up by kooks
  • There is no "deep state"
  • Racism isn't profitable
  • Only the smartest people succeed
  • If you work hard, you can overcome every obstacle
  • People who grow old unmarried with nobody around them but animals are still normal
  • Religions are for the weak

I have a really long list of things that have been shattered over the years... my attitude at this point in my life is... come at me bitch. :shrug:
so based on this topic, what happened to make you come to a realization that religion isn't for the weak?
but what IF there is something after death? what IF there is actually a "god", whether it be aliens or some other-dimensional being?
well for starters, the consideration of a "god" or some sort of magical super-being is just an arbitrary waste of mental energy considering creative licence leaves you with an infinite number of possibilities. so why bother?

second, the concept of an afterlife is beyond ridiculous. we are biological, living beings. everything you perceive and experience is a byproduct of being a living entity there is as much of an afterlife as there was a before-life.