HALO 2 sucks in comparison to Tribes Vengeance

a mouse and keyboard are not tournament legal in the halo community. gg.

you would be laughed out of any halo lan with your "amazing ability" to own joystick players with mouse&kb.
Halo 2 may be the best online console FPS, but I'd give the title of best console FPS to Timesplitters 2.
Halo is a good game, but the sheer hype/massive fanboy following is sickening when there are so many better games that get such little praise. It serves as sort of a reminder that the quality of your marketing department is more important than the quality of your game.
TeckMan said:
a mouse and keyboard are not tournament legal in the halo community. gg.

you would be laughed out of any halo lan with your "amazing ability" to own joystick players with mouse&kb.

I might be laughed at - but I could still kick their asses...

And honestly - who competes in tournaments or goes to professional LANs? Sorry - but I'm not that far gone down the road to nerdom...

good game though!

Rannic said:
Halo 2 may be the best online console FPS, but I'd give the title of best console FPS to Timesplitters 2.
Halo is a good game, but the sheer hype/massive fanboy following is sickening when there are so many better games that get such little praise. It serves as sort of a reminder that the quality of your marketing department is more important than the quality of your game.

Timesplitters 2 is a great game. This is true. And possibly a better SP game. But in terms of MP - I have to say Halo 2 as well. Timesplitters is a little limited in that regard... And since T:V (which is what we are comparing everything too at this point) is geared around MP, at least for true Tribers, I'm gauging everything around that aspect. I haven't even played SP for Halo 2 and I never played SP for Halo. Hell - I haven't even played past the first mission for T:V. I just don't enjoy playing games unless it is with/against a live opponent.

I would even put Goldeneye as better than Halo 2 if it wasn't for Xbox Live...

I was never a big fan of Halo. My impressions of Halo 2 (though I have not played yet) are skeptical but thats how I approach all new & hyped up games. The videos look interesting, but then again they can make anything look interesting. But I really feel that I don't need to play this game to make the judgement that T:V is better. If they basically took Halo, and threw in some neat tricks, it still in no way compares to Tribes.

I bet it's a decent game, but for me decent simply does not cut it.
I wouldn't consider TimeSplitters 2 a better Console FPS than Halo 2. Tell me what was so astounding or different from TimeSplitters 2, it reminded me a lot like Hitman when you go just killing people.

As for all you Halo haters, the game is great, the graphics are astonishing, the multi player is great and boasting 90,000 players peak at first day of release online, and the single player is fun as hell. The game lived up to it's name. It didn't crap out like so many other sequels.
?B-MAN said:
Did you try the Halo 2 MP? Was it laggy, choppy and crappy. and how many peeps can actually play in one game. Never played Halo, I like the character models versus some of the cheese that pervades Tribes, but I'm sure Halo MP gameplay sucked.

Yeah I played the MP last night before making my post. I also played the single player for over an hour. The MP wasn't laggy, but at the snail speeds you move at, I can't see there being any netcode issues.

The point of my post overall is that from all of the hype over this game, I was expecting to see something new. I was expecting to see amazing graphics that far surpassed the first game. I was expecting to see some aspect of the game being better than Tribes because Halo 2 has such a large fanbase, but what I got was none of the above.

Tribes players need to appreciate the game they have. It is light years ahead of its time.
TheGhost said:
To you + the post above...

omg a tribes forums where people like tribes the best? who would have thought :p

rofl. Indeed.

I enjoyed the first halo, as well as have been enjoying the 2nd. But as stated before- Tribes, T2 (yes, even t2...sadly), and T:V are superior to any MP FPS that has come on the market.
Zio said:
Holy crap what a let down! They showed these amazing in-game movies of how amazing the new engine is, where are the graphics??? I don't see how any triber could stand to play HALO2 multiplayer with how sluggish the gameplay is.

I couldn't wait to put Halo down and pick T:V back up. What a let down.

It's the other way around for me

I was a bit let down at the maps, options, etc in t:v.. especially the lack of support we're currently receiving (where are the patches, the new maps, the dev interaction we once had? gone.)

halo 2 looks to have amazing post-release support and playerbase, the gameplay is varied as hell, and im having way too much fun with it.

T:V may be a more skilled, refined game, but im finding halo 2 way more fun.

I mean sure people are entitled to their opinion.. but tribes has what, 400 or less people playing right now? Halo probably has a couple hundred thousand on at any given moment. I mean hell more people were waiting in line at midnight at my local eb than there are playing t:v right now.
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Zio said:
The T:V single player broke a lot of new ground that other games out there haven't even delved into.

Is this ground ground, or more like a pile of coffee beans, because I don't quite see the level of innovation you describe.
The ground I am speaking of is that most FPS shooters don't allow the user to attack a mission in any way they wish, and allow for complete freedom of movement. On some of the later levels of T:V, you can go to any point of the mission and attack that part, and come back to the point the devs hoped you did earlier.

T:V in some levels is very linear much like Doom, but in others it offers a freedom and speed unriavled by any FPS.

Play the entire campaign and you will understand.