[halloween] what are you?

worked 8 am to noon and now i'm in class until 9pm. working tomorrow morning as well

probably won't do much tonight
My non-costume costume. This is as far as I go dressing up for Halloween. More appropriate shooter to be walking around with in NYC.
though I must say despite my best intent it ended up looking considerably more dignified, intelligent and suave than most of you 300lb, slimy, greaseball dorito munching level 80 paladin pimple faces could manage on even your best days
i skipped a halloween party last weekend 2 instead go drink free beer at that dude's house where we had that good homebrewed shit when u were here in may

my costume was going to be a trash bag with the word DOUCHE written on it (get it???) since i dont believe in spending time or money on costumes

feel free 2 use my sweet idea

Until you posted this I didn't really think you were a bit of a cocksucker.

Oh wait, yeah I did.
truthfully most people thought I was trying to be clark kent versus any other nerd or nerd-related person

which likely means that I'm far too good looking and built to be considered a nerd

and confirms my own believe in my natural popular superhero status and charisma
truthfully most people thought I was trying to be clark kent versus any other nerd or nerd-related person

which likely means that I'm far too good looking and built to be considered a nerd

and confirms my own believe in my natural popular superhero status and charisma, Mummy

Fixed that shit.

Also, belief, Mr. fucking linguist.