[H] Any hardcore PvPers?


Veteran XV
Hey, just wondering if there are any hardcore arena players on Horde side that frequent TW.

I made the mistake of creating my character on a new server that opened up on BC release. It's still very small and the few good PvPers have their own little clique. I didn't seriously PvP until late season 2 so it's not easy to get them to acknowledge me. :p

Ideally, I'd like to find a competent druid partner to push for shoulders. Here's my armory. It's showing my raid spec at the moment, but I arena as marks. I have experience playing 1900+ in all brackets, and that was usually with so-so partners. For example, the Druid I was ~1940 with is now doing rogue/druid and not even hitting 1800.

Let me know.
play with my disc priest and the tw group on the onyxia server ^_^

i could use a 2's partner, s4 will be all about priest/hunter imo with fear beast being insta cast
i think there are like 4-5 people who have the s3 shoulders in our guild, and a bunch more with s3 weaps. Id be down to do some 5s (pve gear) The World of Warcraft Armory pvp gear im all s3 except shoulders.
I havnt played in a while but getting a good 5s team would be something Id do for sure.

yes, my spec is jacked :eek:
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i'm on server 2, and need a good disc priest

doing the popular RMP combo, my friend is a rogue, i'm a mage

frijoles and warcrime on alliance, server 2
I'm currently gearing out my druid on Kel'thuzad if you would be interested in some 2v2 soon (I'd consider him completely competitive in about a week or two). You can check out my rogue's armory in my sig. We topped out at 2300 on bg9 in 2v2, but are currently hovering around 2200 after some bad losses this week.

Druid's armory is The World of Warcraft Armory
His gear is bad atm, but am farming honor and marks every day. By this tuesday, his greens will be replaced with s1/vind, and I'll have his current stuff enchanted.

Also, I'm leeching 600-700 pts off my warrior's (on another account) 2v2 every week, so I should be capped/near capped on arena pts when s4 is released.
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We have some good pvpers, but just to be fair to those transferring we are mostly PvE. We raid 25 man content 3 nights and 10 mans at least another 2-3 nights. Finding a 2s partner would be easier then trying to get 5s or 3s going because so far the guild hasn't been real successful in playing those constantly due to raiding.

That being said, we have 2 hunters, a mage and a druid who have s3 shoulders (those that earned and didn't buy their toons), about 4-5 more with S3 weaps etc..

I guess it depends on what you deem 'hardcore'..
You could push for shoulders with a priest too. Priest/hunter is actually quite enjoyable. I've sold PR for weapon/shoulders to a hunter, had a great time.
You could push for shoulders with a priest too. Priest/hunter is actually quite enjoyable. I've sold PR for weapon/shoulders to a hunter, had a great time.

Yeah, but I run on the same problem on my server hehe, can't find competent priests who aren't already taken this late in the season.
If you move to Onyxia with solely arena in mind, you'll be disappointed. The guild is great and we have a lot more fun than your average guild ingame and on vent, but we only have 3-4 people in the guild that care enough about arena to play more than 10 games a week (many, including myself, don't even play a single game).
I don't mind helping someone out for shoulders. After I hit 2k on the druid, I got bored and just play it for points and fun factor with different specs now. I'm doubting that the scare beast change will affect me since I play dreamstate druid/hunter in 2s (the only thing I'd worry about is if I was resto and playing against a better geared mirror.)

Between work and raiding though, I only have time in the week for my 5s and only got my PR up to 1850 in 2s for my weap (for PVE, hah. Shoulders will come eventually in 5s but it doesn't help me.) If Smaq wasn't so anti-arena I'd help him get his weap, but unfortunately I have to play with some shitty player named adren.
I've been doing the arena tournament, but since I just started playing again for the first time in nearly a year, most of the people that I used to play with aren't playing anymore.

I play a rogue and would love to play on a RMP team. Got gladiator season 1, and would've been rank 1 if we didn't stop playing 2 weeks before the season ended.
Not sure if we have anybody other then Tilen that is purely focused on PVP and plays a decent amount. The World of Warcraft Armory

Heh, I've faced his 5s team. I sell points in the 1800-1900 brackets on 3 teams.

If you move to Onyxia with solely arena in mind, you'll be disappointed.

That's the thing holding me back, as much as I'd love to play with more TW people. Not that my server has a fantastic interest level/talent pool at this point (the whole battlegroup is pretty shit) but I really don't want to quit arena overall because people aren't interested.

i'm on server 2, and need a good disc priest

doing the popular RMP combo, my friend is a rogue, i'm a mage

frijoles and warcrime on alliance, server 2

Hrm.. I currently have an undead warlock and an undead mage. I'll roll a human priest if you want.