[Gun Control] Survey: Police overwhelmingly oppose gun control

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no they don't. they only show up after crimes have been committed. and those laws don't work either. we have laws against bringing guns on campus and criminals still bring guns on campus. same with writing bad checks, theft, assault, running red lights, tax avoision, and employees failing to wash their hands after touching their peepee. obviously the laws do nothing and we should just get rid of all laws.
On the other side, by catching people breaking the law they are in a sense preventing future crimes from happening.
Yes. No cop anywhere in the world has ever seen a someone about to commit a crime and stopped them from doing it.



So when this happens does the cop pat the person on the back and say "that was a close one, you almost broke the law"
Yes. No cop anywhere in the world has ever seen a someone about to commit a crime and stopped them from doing it.
they also have absolutely zero deterrent factor. none at all.

and we know this because we have laws and people still break them even tho we have them.

we should get rid of all laws and police and everyone should be armed.

an armed society is a polite society.
I mean seriously, what's the point of having laws if people just keep breaking them?

Usually, for most sane people, this is where you would increase the punishment for certain crimes.

But those who call for more gun restrictions, more laws, are less about people control and more about item removal.

If you ever wonder how some bat shit bitch could drown her own kids and get out in 10 months (Canada), or three years (America), but some dude with a 30 round clip, who didn't shoot anyone, merely possessed it, gets five to ten.......you can thank a gun grabber for that.

Brought to you by the land of we care more about ownership removal than personal accountability and individual action.
Oddly enough.......

I'll bet if we took an open survey about who would be in favor of capital punishment for mass shooters like James Holmes and Jared Laughner, it would always be the same people who widely advocate gun ownership.

I'll bet those most interesting in taking guns, or creating more gun restrictions, would be the first people in here to cry at the barbarity of putting murderers and mass killers to death, then talk about their unfortunate childhood, the need to somehow rehabilitate them, how they too were once victims......and that's why this country sucks.

It's run by morons and pussies..........those who care more about future pending item restrictions than doing what should be done with those who already provably fucked up beyond any and all forms of recourse.