Guitar Players: Epiphone LP special II and/or alternatives?


Veteran X
I currently have a yamaha pacifica :| bottom of the barrel that I bought years ago when I was just starting out. I realize that the lp spec 2 isn't a huge step up but I'm on a budget here. Is there a huge difference between the epi LP standard vs. special II? are there any other suggestions for a nice lp copy other than epiphone? Thanks in advance.
I'm bumping this even though I have NO idea that it's about. I just hate to see a zero reply thread.

Somebody help this guy!
If you're not going Gibson, Epiphone is a fine route to take. I actually use an Epiphone LP standard - and it works perfectly for me. In fact, I started out with a crappy Yamaha, too, about 10 years or so ago when I bought my first electric.

I can't speak too authoritatively on the differences between specials and standards, but maybe Alvarez is still lurking around here -- he knows his stuff. ;)
Thanks for the advice and bump guys, appreciate it. Haunt, would you know if it's reasonably easy to upgrade the pickups on it?
There's not much difference in the two guitars other than personal preference. I'd go with the LP Standard, but I'm a big fan of Lesters.

If you aren't going the Gibson route and are on a budget it's a great way to go. You could easily upgrade the pickups in the guitar (highly recommended) and I'd recommend picking up one of these from RS Guitarworks to replace your pots, caps and wires. It'll make it a totally new machine.

However, if you want to put in the money to do the upgrades you'd be better off getting into Gibson territory with a Les Paul Studio, then possibly upgrading stuff later. It'll cost about the same and you'll most likely be happier in the long run. Email these guys for a quote. I bought my Gibson from them and got an incredible deal. They are highly respected over on the Les Paul Forum.

Good luck!