Guess Trumps Weight

He'd better stay away from steroids like dexamethasone. That will INCREASE his appetite.

What's the closest McDonalds to Walter Reed? Better have them double their next stock order for what passes as beef there these days.
there used to be a mcdonalds in walter reed but obama got rid of it and put wendy's in to spite trump
I bet donny liked the spicy chicken sandwich before they made it smaller

hardees/carl jr is where the big boys eat
He'd better stay away from steroids like dexamethasone. That will INCREASE his appetite.

What's the closest McDonalds to Walter Reed? Better have them double their next stock order for what passes as beef there these days.

take ur shitlord wendy's twitter repost back 2 the old lady molestation dance club, u fuking degenerate

mcd's is :flag: AMERICA :flag:
the farmers will be the ones supporting you when you transition to woman and claim disability for transgender dysphoria disease
280 pounds

200Kgs tbh

Reason why Melania sleeps next door
My honest best guess, is that buck naked (shudder), he weighs 118 Kg, or 260 pounds. That's not being mean, nor is it charitable. It's my best guess.
My honest best guess, is that buck naked (shudder), he weighs 118 Kg, or 260 pounds. That's not being mean, nor is it charitable. It's my best guess.

that's $336 for you ignorant hicks who wouldn't recognize a bunsen burner if it was shoved up your ass
that is b/c my ass destroys all that dares to enter

many bubbas who became betsys in prison after trying 2 put it in my butt lemme tell u wat