We never start shit with the pigs, we just finish it, and that pisses them off. It got to the point where the pigs couldn't even deal with the consequences of their actions, and began server wide announcements of rule changes in their favors.
The cops need to fucking check themselves, as they have delusions as to who controls shit.

True, they usually act with impunity on our streets, but that's because we fucking allow it.

Can I just copy and paste this the next time someone pulls a "LOL YALL TAKE THE GAME TOO SERIOUSLY"?

will it last a day?

Probably not. I don't think the Grove or Mafia like you guys at all and you don't have the discipline as a group to kiss their ass and make them think they're in charge.
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I was abducted by a carfull of hitmen, but right between the /untie and them trying to kill me, I escaped. I ran into a train tunnel and hid out until they found me, then I jacked their car and drove off.

How exactly do hitmen work? Do I have to pay money or something if I die? Do the contracts ever expire?
If you die, you pay out 20% (I think) of the amount the person spent to put the hit on you.

The contract is canceled if you kill the hitman (you need the killing blow).

Again, I think :)
The contract should end regardless of who kills the hitmen.
That way you can hire protection from "bodyguards". If it doesn't already.

I have a neat idea for a character, but I'll have to see if I enjoy the RPG aspect enough to try it out.
I was about to join up then, but I can't ping the server, is it down?
edit: Weird, it says I'm banned, maybe it's an IP range?. [strike]How do I contact someone about it.[/strike] The SZR forum index is crapping out PHP errors too.

I suspect I might know why this is though.
Lastnight I made a test character called Stephen_Hawking, and after a few hours of getting used to commands, loaned $40k off my bro (Gabriel_Sato) to buy a shitty level 1 house, on the condition that I pay it back when I have the money.
The house sucked, so I sold it (and lost my original $10k, only getting 40k back), but it wouldn't let me transfer more than $1000 at a time due to my level.
So I had to perform the transfer command 40 times to give the money back. Which I had a hunch would set off some "newbie giving away money" alarms.

If it's not that, then I have no idea what'd precipitate a ban.
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I'm kinda disappointed with how the server is run... And it's hella difficult to tell who is in what gang (if at all) without checking families, then checking if the person is in a family we're at war/truce with etc...
I read this thread while I was 'buying' the game and thought a lot of you were douchebags regarding the cops.

Today while learning the ropes I was around the police station and got mowed down by cops for absolutely no reason. One of them claimed I stole their car or something. It's no wonder you guys treat them like shit.

I can't remember the guys name, but he had shit aim, and ended up chasing me around for a few mins before killing me.
I was about to join up then, but I can't ping the server, is it down?
edit: Weird, it says I'm banned, maybe it's an IP range?. How do I contact someone about it.

Could be. Go over to the forums on the first page and post about it.
According to Sato, our NZ connection has been crapping out today, and he thinks it's because he got disconnected while in prison.
If the admins can check join dates, they'd discover that his char has been playing for at least a month, and was in Yakuza for most of that time. So he's not the kind of person who logs out when they're in prison.

There should be a list of reasons who/why people are banned, like w/ the SADCHUB.

Right now we're in an all out war with Vagos and Triads. We're 100% Allied with Grove and the Mafia. I don't know where we stand with the Yakuza, I have acquired further evidence that it has been the Yakuza putting hits on us.

The cost of our new friendship with grove is only Drug House 1 and 2. Thats all they wanted. We can have everything else. From what I gather, the Mafia doesn't give a shit about points, they get more interest from a single payday, then the points generate in 24 hour period.

Kill them retard spics and 10yr old gooks!
Triads are at the pier, where the Sandkings are, They're asians dressed in black with a red belt. They speak broken english, and are 10 years old.

Vagos are next to the train station, its a culdesac filled with crappy yellow and white cars. They're mexicans with yellow head bands. They too speak broken english, but its not because they're ten..just retarded.
Sounds good to me! Though I've always hated grove, they're cocky cheap players. Most of Mafia is pretty cool from what I've gathered, and Yakuza has been good to me. Papi likes me for some reason and never fucks with me but I'll still bite at the chance to kill some vagos.

I'm finally Level 7 and Level 5 drug dealer, so I'll start grinding some other jobs while I sign paychecks.
A couple questions I've had:

* What license do you need to drive the go-karts and how do you get it?
* What's the best way to level mechanic (and is it even useful?)
* What keys do you press to get passenger-aim mode on/off? (passenger in car)
I'm going to bed now.

Try not to fuck up the alliance between now and the time I wake up.