Gran Turismo 5 released !!

Why would you wanna play when the system can churn out a better laptime??? Just sit back and enjoy the wicked graphics, duh.
Pretty sad with the delays.

In addition, the demo's or trials they released aren't anything jaw dropping or amazingly fun to play. You don't finish them wanting more. Which doesn't set up the final product very well.

There's simply no reason for this game to take this long. Which a game like Forza can be zipped out in no time and be an awesome/fun game.

That's all we want, an awesome fun driving game. Fuckers.
the cover looks retarded

In other news, NFS: Shift is a piece of shit. Their implementation of a boost gauge works is atrocious.

That and I get a headache every time the computer rams into my car and makes everything blurry and shake.