got a big green egg

Dear Faggot,

i hope u kno a good dentist b/c i'm going 2 knock ur teeth out @ uva b/c of wat u said about my mom


Arnold Schwarzenegger (the tuff and cool dood 1978 one, not the lamer governator)
big green egg all the things


it was just one of those store bought take and bake pizzas but it was 100x better than just popping it in the oven
seems like you have trouble getting maillard on anything you cook

yes, I've noticed the exact same thing, not sure what I'm doing wrong. Everything so far tastes good to my unrefined pallet but I haven't been able to get a bark on anything I cook. I'm trying a pork shoulder tomorrow and instead of pulling it off and wrapping it I plan on leaving it on all the way to 200 degrees.
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Why does nothing look cooked out of that thing?

Is it really a microwave in disguise?

I'll stick with the old Weber kettle
Are you using the temp gauge that came with it? It's a piece of shit, don't use it. Buy a dual probe with wireless transmitter.
I fired up the weber this arvo, coconut briquettes. Seared them direct over the coals for a bit then put them in the middle and threw the lid on for 10. Threw in a few chunks of Ti Tree for added smoke (which I didn't like much tbh)

steaks were cooked el perfecto though

no pics cos we just ate it all and I'm not a woman or food blogger