Gosh it's hot

But it's a dry heat you shrinky dink.
What is?

Oh haha you think because it's a desert....dumbass we're also on the ocean. We have humidity that you would shit your pants about. Like, when you have the a/c on in the car and you need the wipers on to clear condensation from the outside of the window. It's not uncommon to have 90% humidity.
in dubai u would shit ur pants b/c there is no sewage system and all the toilets r backed up and it's mitch's fault b/c he's in charge of the poop trucks
Jesus fucking christ. Is Minge shitting up another thread yet again?
What's his rep at?
Oh -3062.
I see.
What is?

Oh haha you think because it's a desert....dumbass we're also on the ocean. We have humidity that you would shit your pants about. Like, when you have the a/c on in the car and you need the wipers on to clear condensation from the outside of the window. It's not uncommon to have 90% humidity.

Turn your defroster off dipshit. Then kill yourself midxe.

Who has the hottest recorded temperature? USA wins again.
Do you guys have air conditioning?
We've got at least one of the three going in the condo if we don't have windows open for a lovely cross breeze.
afternoons are for siestas
Of course, but that doesn't mean we stay inside like midxe. I enjoy being outside, even if it requires scuba gear because the humidity is so high.
We seldom have long heatwaves. For the last two days temperatures have been over 30 C, but next week they will be back to around 20 C, which is considered normal for our climate.
It's easily over 160 degrees Fahrenheit in certain places in the USA.

Look, we invented Fahrenheit so don't question our shit. And don't give me that Polish/German/Dutch fucking BS. Even worse, "o my Celsius". Shit is just dying to be manly like Fahrenfuckingheits.

It can be 160 F and 200 percent humidity. We will still go out and BBQ in that weather. Low and slow. Making fire with our teeth too. Chew that tinder up and spit it out.

This is manly science shit so don't even go there if you aren't American. Only we understand how to live properly in heat. And cold too. Won't find us all running around going "Global warming is coming to get me".

At least Akela takes it like a man. Fags like Minge are just whinging moaners who don't know the first thing about weather extremes.