
Swamp Kitten

Veteran X
So I overheard two ladies talking today and one of them said something along the lines of, "It was so creepy! It gave me goosepimples!" Then the other lady said, "Goosepimples? I've always called it gooseflesh!"
They both giggled.

I thought, what the fuck, both "goosepimples" and "gooseflesh" sound disgusting, and normal people (read: not stupid women) say "goosebumps".

What say you, TW?
Yeah I heard goose pimples the other day from a female co-worker, and didn't approve. As long as I've been alive it's been goosebumps.

Goose pimples sounds like a retarded avian flu.
always heard it as goose bumps. all those others are weird.

also Goosebumps were the only books that could keep my attention when i was younger