Google just bought Motorola

I suspect they'll have made assurances that the the mobility division will be kept walled from the android division so that there is no advantage.

Does it really matter? Android is open source.
If I were HTC/Sammy I would be LOVING this news. No more lawsuits from apple because google will be right around the corner with all of moto's patents..
So there may be a very funny twist to all of this.

We already know that MS makes money for every Android device sold (which was more significant than what MS was making from Windows Phone as of last year).

Well, MS was in the process of making a similar agreement with Motorola - an agreement that still might go through/necessary.

If that happens, then Google will be directly paying MS for everything Android phone they sell.

Pretty funny if that ends up being the case.
yep. Its the patents. If Apple/MS want to play the rule fuck game, google can play too.
sweet , motorola makes awesome phones. Hopefully the next iteration of the google phone wont be a shitty fat HTC, but a nice sleek motolla.