Good Morning!

oh god that's horrible

sorry man

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:wave: Morning!!
I'm going to be onstage in 14 hours.
<-- very very nervous already. i mean, we're prepared as we can be, we have new shirts ready to go that kick serious booty, we're bringing out our fist new song and we all sound GOOD and are psyched... but the ol Jeremy's Crippling Stagefright is kicking my ass right now, and it's only 9:30.

otherwise a beautiful day out, and I'm in a killer mood.

------- return to the toenail topic -------

lol that had to hurt like hell.
Surprisingly it isn't as bad as I expected it to be (for now). I don't plan on pulling it completely off, I'm going to try to let it fall off on its own. I'm taking extra care not to bump into anything with it. I really dread having to flatten out the nail when I go to put my sandals on later tonight.