Good Bye. The End

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If this is, in fact real;

Nothing to live for? You selfish dick! THINK OF YOUR FUCKING FAMILY!!!!!
Drg0n+GoD+ said:
just do it my faggit
Cool. You're my best faggit.

Nah. My life completely and utterly blows, but there's too much to see. Plus, Xenosaga is coming out next year. Come on. Xenosaga. There's no fucking excuse good enough to miss that.

I'd recommend that Yoda preorder that now :p
Well Yoda,
You must love here very much. Problem is, the both of you are extremely young. Relationships are just now starting to take a more serious stance for you. What you should know is that not one woman on the face of the earth, or, that ever existed is worth taking your own life for. Has she decided to see someone else? If that is the case, be thankful for the time you had with her and look for someone else. She is not worth it and will most likely do the same thing to the poor sap she is now seeing. So, be thankful it has happened now, until after you have had three kids and have to pay your ass off. Spend some time with your friends and family, mess around and just do your best to get her off your mind. Go get laid as much as you can! Nothing hurts more than being dumped by someone you really care for. My guess is that you probably thought everything was just fine in your relationship with her then WHAM! She tells you or you find out. Your heart is in your stomach and you just feel sicker than shit. It takes about maybe a month to get over it. So, just bide your time, show her you don't care anymore, wish her the best, and forget it.
My dear old dead daddy once had a saying...
"If it wasn't for their pussy, there would be a $20 a hide bounty on there every damn one of them!".
So, ain't no bitch in this world worth taking your life for. Occupy your time with other things. You will meet someone hotter, nicer and more loyal, just hang on, it will happen.
Best O luck to you son.
when something like this comes around, the best message you can post is something along the lines of 'fuck off you fucking loser'.

why? because-
a) if the person was serious about suicide, he would post then do it. not stay around to read the responses.

2) if the person was looking for attention, he would read your post and realize that he should fuck off for being a fucking loser.

then there's the 'this is the internet. if you're willing to kill yourself over what someone posted on a forum, then you would probably be doing the world a favor' reason.

this has been a psa by your friendly neighborhood thesis.
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