Gon, 8/24/2003 10:27 PM: ati r dirty silicon niggers


Veteran X
Gon, 8/21/2003 10:22 PM :
[01:13] <nido> You are in a dorm room at RIT. On the floor are several star track tapes, a bugs bunny t-shirt, php manuals, bugs bunny underpants, and a bugs bunny duffle bag filled with hand guns. Obvious exits: North, West

Gon, 8/22/2003 7:41 PM :
M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$ M$

Gon, 2/11/2004 1:07 PM :
[10:32:39] <[Golbez-RG-]> man this fucking trucker forced me and 2 other cars onto the fucking shoulder cause he missed his god damned exit, I got his license plate though, and its fucking pouring ass rain too Im surprised someone didnt spin out
[10:32:39] <[Golbez-RG-]> I started to I had to go from like 65 to stop in 3 secs
[10:33:13] * spanks (aeene@mask-298C0F33.net1549.mo.sprint-hsd.net) Quit (Quit: »¡« Scøøp Script 2003 »!« With Self clearing virus System! Download it at www.scoopsite.com )
[10:33:29] <gon> too bad you didn't die
I'd love to read in the news how one of you faggots snapped at UVA 7 and shot up the place. That would be my favorite new post.
well i learned that if they get you kicked out of a bar that they will start to talk about all the cool clubs theyve been to in South Beach