Going Vegan

I've done it for 2,5 years (don't like the bio industry) but i recently stopped because i believe i definitely didn't get enough of all the vitamins etc that a person needs. Still don't eat meat and hardly any dairy products tho. But i started eating eggs here and there and sometimes some cheese for instance.

The change wasn't really hard, because i was pretty motived and i'm kind of lucky to be living close to a supermarket which has a lot of vegan products. It's become very popular in the Netherlands. So i just kind of rolled into a routine of replacing everything that i normally ate for a vegan product. That worked pretty well, but i've been really sick for the last two years (mostly due to a burn out) and i've been getting so fed up with not getting better that i decided to have some more variety in what i'm eating as well to see if that makes a change. :)

All in all you could go for it for sure, but i would say that just being moderate in whatever you eat while focussing more on healthy superfoods isn't a bad option either.

Don't deny your human nature and pander to vanity past the point where your health permanently suffers. That is a fools errand. Unless you practice amor fati and feel it's a good trade.
amor fati - a mental disorder that afflicts heterosexual men at 2am after a night of binge drinking
I am considering going vegan. Has anyone here switched teams and went from a carnivore to a plant based diet? If so how easy/difficult was it?

i tried it when i first moved to india. didnt work for me. had no energy, sluggish body and mind. i ate exact same "balanced" meals that everyone else was eating, and i took multivitamins. i held out for about 3wks. started feeling much better soon as i started eating meat again.

What are the chances that Scud is being pushed into this because of a nagging girlfriend, or social approval from a girl he likes?
Did anyone mention that you will grow a vagina and it will become ravenous for the cock?
Did anyone mention that you will grow a vagina and it will become ravenous for the cock?

if thats ur defense for u being a pedophile you need to get shot in the fuckin head while kneeling in front of the people you did it to
Nice wall of links absent.

I read the first article about why people go back to eating meat. In my case, I stopped eating meat when Laurie and I went healthy. The movie Forks Over Knives documents how meat causes arteries to clog, and I believe this. When these people stopped eating meat, clogged arteries and cancer was reduced. That's my reason for avoiding meat, not political.

Since I'm a nutritarian, I can still eat meat and don't freak out about it. I'm not hard core like Vegans. The term Nutritarian has never really caught on, but this is where it comes from.
Joel Fuhrman - Wikipedia

I've watched these movies and they seem to make sense.
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
Forks Over Knives
Hungry For Change
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I've done it for 2,5 years (don't like the bio industry) but i recently stopped because i believe i definitely didn't get enough of all the vitamins etc that a person needs. Still don't eat meat and hardly any dairy products tho. But i started eating eggs here and there and sometimes some cheese for instance.

The change wasn't really hard, because i was pretty motived and i'm kind of lucky to be living close to a supermarket which has a lot of vegan products. It's become very popular in the Netherlands. So i just kind of rolled into a routine of replacing everything that i normally ate for a vegan product. That worked pretty well, but i've been really sick for the last two years (mostly due to a burn out) and i've been getting so fed up with not getting better that i decided to have some more variety in what i'm eating as well to see if that makes a change. :)

All in all you could go for it for sure, but i would say that just being moderate in whatever you eat while focussing more on healthy superfoods isn't a bad option either.

To supplement this information, it should also be noted that Sehvi is far left, welcome refugees, and also volunteered to counsel them to help them replace his people.

Sounds just like a vegan. Really paints a clear picture of him.
In my case, I stopped eating meat when Laurie and I went healthy.

Depriving yourself of necessary fat soluble vitamins, which are only found in animal products, is not healthy.

The movie Forks Over Knives documents how meat causes arteries to clog, and I believe this. When these people stopped eating meat, clogged arteries and cancer was reduced.

You believe, I know otherwise because I've researched and confirmed, not just taken trendy pseudo-science at face value
Don't deny your human nature and pander to vanity past the point where your health permanently suffers. That is a fools errand. Unless you practice amor fati and feel it's a good trade.

i think when it comes to these kind of diets u have 2 distinct groups of ppl

1st u have the "ethics" ppl who think that meat is murder n slavery n no amount of fact or statistic or whatever will ever change their mind. u gotta ignore the mentally ill ones and focus on the 2nd group.

2nd u have the people who were obese n told they needed 2 lose weight. they jumped on this diet and stopped w the meat n eggs n cheese n WOW I LOST WEIGHT HOLY FUK IM SO HEALTHY n they dont realize the reason they lost that weight is bc their diet is unhealthy and its killing them. the weight loss is a direct result of undernourishment.
To supplement this information, it should also be noted that Sehvi is far left, welcome refugees, and also volunteered to counsel them to help them replace his people.

Sounds just like a vegan. Really paints a clear picture of him.

To supplement this information, it should also be noted that Reggs married his sister.

Sounds just like a virgin. Really paints a clear picture of him.
To supplement this information, it should also be noted that Sehvi is far left, welcome refugees, and also volunteered to counsel them to help them replace his people.

Sounds just like a vegan. Really paints a clear picture of him.

if you get a divorce who has to stop going to thanksgiving??
well then throw in chink while we're at it

he couldn't even buy his own chink wife like sodaboyewski, he had to have his parents buy and raise a wife for him